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Drop the guns, now.
Under your jacket there's
a track-and-return module.
Throw it to me.
You, uh, gonna
leave me back here?
Do it.
Agent Walker, I wanna see how you get
down here and keep the gun on us.
What are you gonna do?
You gonna jump?
That's how the Vollmers
would do it.
Move back.
Give me the envelope.
Thank you.
The country's going down the drain
because of the special interests.
We need someone rich in the White House
who doesn't have to listen to anybody.
- What's that?
- The senator was having a fund-raiser.
When I'm in office,
it's gonna be like the '80s.
Top 10% will get richer, the rest can
emigrate to Mexico, live a better life.
So, you goin' or stayin'?
I think you plan too far ahead.
Obviously, you don't.
Anything else you want
to tell me about yourself?
Don't tell anyone I killed ya.
I'm out on bail.
Okay, let's finish up
and get out of here.
He's running for president.
I'm voting early.
Good seeing you again, Jack.
Maybe he'll calm down
after the election.
What's the big deal?
Point it, pull the trigger...
and, boom, somebody dies.
Get up there!
Get the module!
Fuckin' great!
Will you get him?
Goddamn it.
Come here.
You own the company,
do you understand?
The chip is going to be worth billions,
my billions.
Now, read this.
Whoa, whoa! Whoa!
You just read it
and do what it says.
Now, you get out of here.
Oh. And will you do me a favor?
Will you lay off
the fuckin' candy bars?
Have a nice day.
- I should've said, "Freeze".
- I think he got the idea.
Do me a favor.
Don't give up without a fight.
Never crossed my mind.
I don't want
to fight a woman.
Then don't.
Changed my mind.
Tell me he's gonna
kill your family.
- Don't you leave me, damn it!
- Who are you talking to?
Stay here, Walker.
In my future, you're dead.
Look at this!
Let's get a canine unit
up there.
- What the hell's going on here?
- You're lucky you got back.
They're gettin' ready
to tear up these tracks.
- McComb?
- Who else?
- He hasn't got the power.
- Are you kiddin'?
He's ahead in the polls. He's probably
out buying running shoes for his team.
Senate committee caved in. They want
to be on the good side of the new boss.
What's the matter?
It's been headed this way for months.
When I left,
nothing had happened.
Hey, Walker, when they tear up the
launcher, you get the pod as a memento.
He's changed the future.
What are you talking about?
He's buying the presidency.
What's new?
It's been done before.
- The guy is a killer.
- Doesn't surprise me.
- He killed my agency.
- He shot two people.
- Who?
- Who? A guy named Parker and Fielding.
- Do I know them?
- Fielding was with me.
- You sent her.
- I don't like this guy one bit...
but just who can I sell this story to
without 50 eyewitnesses?
- How about one?
- You don't count.
There's a chance she's still alive.
- Who?
- Fielding. The cops were there.
I'm gonna be looking
for a new government job.
I don't think it will
help my chances...
if I'm the guy that tried to put
our next president in jail.
- You think I'm making this up?
- Forget it! You're not going back!
If she's alive, we've got him.
You understand that?
We've got the guy.
We're shut down.
Take a look around. We're history.
Wait, I'm gonna
show you something.
You come with me.
Those files are supposed to be sealed.
I don't know why I'm doing this.
You say you were my best friend?
- For a long time.
- I liked you?
- Oh, yeah.
- What are you looking for?
Fielding's friends or family;
anyone she would go to in 1994.
- Who was she?
- I.A., but she had a deal with McComb.
He's got to go back
to be sure she's dead.
Since you say
we were close friends...
I'm gonna ask you a question
the prison psychiatrist will ask you.
How's our leading
presidential candidate...
making these expeditions into the past
without our equipment, old pal?
The prototype was never dismantled.
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- текст Белый плен на английском
- текст Первая кровь на английском
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