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Обыкновенное чудо

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Call him and say it is all
his fault. Quick!
No, please, don't stand up,
my friends.
Today is such an
extraordinary day!
Today whatever I try to do
Things, that I thought were
lost, somehow appear again.
If I think about the past,
only the best comes to mind.
In this way life must
be saying good-bye to me.
Did they tell you I am
going to die today?
But Princess...
Yes, it's even more frightening
than I thought.
Death is gross and dirty.
It comes with a sack full of
loathsome instruments.
But how do you know all
that, Princess?
Death came so close,
that I could see it all.
But that's enough.
Talk to me as if nothing
Joke, smile, tell me
I just don't want to think
about what's going to happen.
Who is that?
Who is it?
Who is it?!
Do you hear it?
- Do you hear?
- Yes.
I'm sorry, I was afraid
of being late.
Leave, everyone,
except the Princess.
How did you get here?
I isolated you.
Please leave now.
Or I will want to
kill you again.
Only this time I will
really do it.
He will do it.
Please leave now.
Why are you crying?
I'm crying of happiness.
Now I have a secret,
with which
I wouldn't trust anyone,
not even the closest friends,
only you.
I love you.
I love you.
That's the truth!
I love you so much
I will forgive you anything.
You want to turn into a bear?
Very well.
Only don't leave me.
I couldn't bare to be
alone again!
What took you so long?
No-no, don't answer.
I won't ask you.
If you didn't come, that's
because you couldn't.
I will not reproach you.
I will be patient.
Only don't leave me.
Today death came very close.
That's true.
But I am not afraid of it.
I am so happy, I don't know
anything about death and grief.
Especially now, when you are
standing so close.
No one ever came this
close to me.
No one ever came this
close to me,
and no one ever held
me tight.
You are holding me, like
you have the right to,
and I like that.
Let's go to my room.
I'll show you the room, where
I spent so many hours crying.
The balcony from which I looked
to see if you were coming,
A hundred books about bears.
Bears were all I could
read about.
It is all my fault.
We can't do anything
about that now.
Yes, it is your fault.
Why did you do that?
I warned you, didn't I?
It's the way I am.
I wanted to talk to you
about love.
But I'm a magician.
Remember, what you said?
- Do you?
- I remember.
So I took all these people
and reshuffled them.
And they lived, so that you
would laugh and cry.
I am crying.
Some of them worked better,
some worse,
but I've grown used to them.
I couldn't cross them out,
could I?
They're not words -
they're people.
Sometimes I even let them
argue with me,
and disobey me.
Sleep, darling.
Unfortunately, I am
I will have to outlive you,
and forever miss you.
But now you are with me.
Glory to the brave ones,
who have enough courage
to love,
knowing that everything
has to end.
Glory to the daring,
who live as though they
will live forever.
- Why aren't you asleep?
- Don't scare away the bear!
- Let's go back.
- No.
- Let's go to your place.
- I'm scared.
You're hurting me.
No, please, don't be
Let it be the way you
want it.
God, I'm so happy that I
have decided everything!
Foolish me! I didn't know it
could be that good.
let's do it your way.
I'm terribly sorry.
I don't want to interfere
in your work,
but I think just now a
miracle happened.
Very well could be.
Why are you surprised?
What's going on?!
I was promised,
that he will turn into
a bear.
- You condirmed that.
- I did.
So where's the bear?
I condirmed it, because I
was not too clever.
But I don't regret it now.
I found your last story
very amusing.
At least it is good.
Perhaps even the best.
Let's say good-bye
In a soft voice,
Let's say good-bye
In a low voice,
Let's say good-bye
With a light heart.
A week or two,
And we'll
Обыкновенное чудо Обыкновенное чудо

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