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Незнайка на Луне

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You can waIk or play there.
You can sing or dance.
You can be alone or in a crowd.
Eat, drink and enjoy yourself.
They pull the wool over our eyes.
But we'll never spend our money
On sweet promises they make
At the plants of this king.
So what you're trying to say is
that chemical plants
of much-esteemed
and venerable Mr. Octopus's
are of no benefit to us?
Let me go immediately!
Or I won't answer your questions!
Let her go.
What are you waiting for, blockheads?
Get her! Quick!
There! She ran that way!
Why do you always
tell lies. Know-Nothing?
Know-Nothing, I just wanted
everyone to understand
that it's harmful to breathe in
polluted air.
- Sure thing.
- And the plants of Octopus's
pollute the air in our city.
As soon as I came here
I began sneezing.
I think now I got used to it.
Everyone got used to it.
You should shut these plants down.
Octopus's plants?
He's very. very rich.
I'm sure it was him who ordered
to sack me from the paper.
This is a strange life you live here.
Here is the letter!
Myfriend Miga sent it
to some trustworthy shorty.
Little Star,
we'll find Doughnut all together.
We'll take the seeds from the rocket.
We'll give them out to moon shorties
and this mean Octopus
will burst with envy.
To my dearfriend Julio.
Hardware of various caliber.
Snake lane, 13.
Welcome to my shop.
Can I help you?
Would you like a quick-fire rifle?
Or a carbine with shell bullets?
Or maybe a machine-gun? Super!
We don't want to shoot anybody.
I get it. I get it...
I can offer you
great brass knuckles?
Batons or...
A unique running-knot
made of syntheticfiber...
A great thing.
Can you feel it?
One smooth movement and you are strangled.
Aren't you? Can you feel it?
Stop it immediately!
We brought you a letter
and you're attacking us.
A letter? What letter?
My dear friend!
Wait here and don't open the door!
You've got some urgent
and important problem.
as far as I can see. Mr. Krubbs.
You are shrewd as usual.
Though it's not very hard to guess.
Mr. Octopus gives minor instructions
by phone. doesn't he?
But this time. Grizzle,
we can't rely either on phone.
or on mail.
Yourjournalist is our problem.
Little Star? I have already sacked her.
She got invoIved
with a certain Know-Nothing.
And they decided to scheme
against Mr. Octopus.
Mr. Octopus?
Either you get the sack
from this paper
or Little Star gets this ticket
and gotothe Entertainment Island
Forever! Got it?
You may find her
And hurry up!
You may be sure, Mr. Krubbs,
she'll gotothe Fools' IsIand.
l' m sorry,
to the Entertainment Island.
Good luck.
A most honest
and noble shorty.
An all-time fair man.
Have you already seen Know-Nothing?
Yes, of course.
Probably, you don't know
his story.
Know-Nothing has arrived here
from some other planet.
He brought the seeds
of giant plants with him.
Well, he may give us these seeds
And we'll make a fortune out of it.
The problem is that the seeds
are in the rocket
on the moon surface.
We need moneyto get to it.
Well. money is a real problem.
Besides that, we'll have to share
the profits
with this Know-Nothing.
This ninny is so easy
to cheat.
I' m sorry,
l've got an idea.
Oh my. Another trafficjam.
You see, Know-Nothing,
this is our moon city.
And here is the great moon forest.
No one has discovered all its secrets.
And here is the island.
The Entertainment Island?
People call it some other way.
The Fools' Island.
No one has ever
come back from this Island.
I wonder, what Know-It-AII
is doing right now?
And everyone else?
Listen. Little Star.
how can you live without any sunlight here?
Joyful Sun
used to feed
Baby moon.
It was so warm and bright.
And birds sang everywhere.
And now Baby moon is so cold and dull.
It drifts in the Universe.
There is no sunlight outside.
But you can listen tothe same songs.
People still sing them.
Незнайка на Луне Незнайка на Луне

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