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На опасной земле

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you must like it.
Maybe you think that
makes you a good cop.
They way you're going, you won't
be good to anybody. Not even yourself!
Somebody had to tell you.
To get anything out of life,
you gotta put something in it.
From the heart!
Let's get out of here. You coming?
You go ahead.
I'll call in.
Come in.
Right. Right.
Then you get a court order.
That's what you're paid for.
Are you trying to tell me
what's evidence and what's not?
Well, then, do it.
Right. Right.
What did I tell you
about being so free with your hands?
Pop says he had to drag you off
last night's arrest. Well?
I broke the case, made the arrest.
I don't know why I should take the rap.
You don't? After I warned you?
- What do you expect, a medal?
- I've been given a medal.
Not for trying to be judge,
jury and executioner.
- I get results.
- What results?
You think the DA can take a statement
you club out of someone and make it stick?
Judges throw that sort of confession
out the window.
The only result is citizens' committees
screaming about police brutality.
- "Citizens' committees."
- The department needs friends.
Cops have no friends.
Nobody likes a cop.
On either side of the law. Nobody.
Is that what you want?
People to like you?
Then you're in the wrong business
and you ought to get out.
It's the only job I know.
Has been for 11 years now.
Then make up your mind to be a cop.
Not a gangster with a badge.
I think it's better
if you get away from here for a few days.
There's a case out of town, up north.
- Siberia.
- That's right. Westham.
About 70 miles upstate.
Sheriff Carrey's in charge. He phoned.
A girl's been killed. They need help.
You report to him.
Here's all the information.
Take it easy, Jim. And what I said...
...you'd better think it over.
And you better take some warm clothes.
When did it happen, Mr. Carrey?
It must have happened
while they was on their way home.
The minute they call me, I come out.
We found her in the brush,
about a mile down the road.
- Was anyone with her?
- Her sister Julie.
She come running home, screaming.
That's how they found out.
Right away, there was about 30 of us
from all around, with guns, looking.
You turn to the right here.
Did you examine where it happened?
Did you find any leads?
Leads? We was after him.
We seen him once, around noon...
...then we lost him
over at Tulley's pasture.
- You think he's waiting for you?
- Nowhere else he could be.
This is Brent's place. The girl's father.
Real good man.
Ma. Ma, someone's coming.
- Who is it? What do they want?
- I don't know.
It's me, Mrs. Brent.
- You mind if we come in?
- Hello.
This here is Jim Wilson.
He come up to give us a hand.
She was the one who was with her.
Tell him how it happened, Julie.
It's all right, you don't have to be afraid.
Sis and me was coming home
from school.
He came out of the bushes.
He started talking to us.
- And I ran away, and he...
- Hush up, Julie.
Come on, kids, get in your room.
Come on now.
Too many people talking around here.
Done all the talking they need.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Brent,
but it's his job to ask questions.
Did you get a look?
Could you tell me what he looked like?
Sally, she was standing there.
She couldn't move.
Have they seen him?
Have you heard anything?
- No luck yet.
- Who are you? What do you want here?
Walter, this is Jim Wilson, special officer.
He wants to talk. Ask questions.
Get the kids out of here.
Go on, get them out of here.
Special officer, huh?
Detective Squad.
They sent him out from the city.
That's all we need around here
is a few more special officers.
Well, let me tell you something.
You ain't gonna ask no questions.
We've asked them all
and we know the answers.
It was my kid. And it's gonna be my gun
that takes care of him when we get him.
- We're all pretty anxious to get him.
- I'll get him, don't worry.
And when I do,
there won't be any of your city
На опасной земле На опасной земле

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