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Мой научный проект

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like to hear,
Don't worry about nothing, honey,
I'm gonna take care of everything,
Now, you're gonna need
a court order for this,
- what's the charge?
- Yeah, what's the charge?
No charge... yet,
I got three eyewitnesses
that put you at the high school tonight,
There's this little business
about stolen dynamite,
And where's your pal?
That ex-yippie science teacher,
Bob Roberts?
I don't know,
- That a fact?
- Yeah, I don't know,
well, I'll tell you what, Michael,
How about you and me
take a little ride down to the station?
- Station? What for?
- I'm enjoying the conversation,
- Hey, come on, wait a minute,
- I'm going with you!
- Fine by me,
- This is our wedding night!
Bring the wife, bring the kids,
bring the whole family,
Is it OK if I get my jacket?
Huh? Is that OK, mister?
- Fine by me,
- Thank you,
Thank you,
(phone rings)
- Hello?
- Listen, you gotta do something for me.
- Michael?
- Yeah, it's me.
Just bring the gizmo down
to the police station, all right?
- Bring the gizmo to the police sta...
- Just do it, all right?
Hey, I demand Judge wapner!
Mr, Latello, Mr, Harlan,
this is Sergeant Jones,
- what's your name?
- Oh, our tax dollars at work!
- Look, Detective Nulty, take Latello,
- Give me your name,
- Fine, He's a delinqquent anyway,
- I don't have time for this right now,
- what's your name?
- Michael,
Look, just tell the sergeant
all your personal information,
- Don't do it,
- Michael Harlan,
- Hey, that's him right there!
- That's him! That's the guy!
Hey, you retreads
can kiss your asses good-bye!
That'll be just about enough
out of you, meatball,
Hey, chill out, Mr, Spock,
Look, I don't even know
what I'm doing here,
Mike, what's happening?
Tell me a little fairy story
about this, boys,
You have the right to remain silent,
If you give up the right
to remain silent, anything you say
can and will be held against you
in a court of law,
OK, McCloud,
You have the right to an attorney...
Sherman, you scared me half to death!
What are you doing here?
I came to see what
Harlan and Vince are up to,
And I am warning you, Ellie,
they are in big trouble,
so you'd better get out of here before
the police find out you're involved,
But don't worry, I'll cover for you,
I'll say Harlan forced...
- Oh, Sherman, get out of my way,
- wait!
So this is what
they were talking about!
It's none of your business, Sherman,
Now, get out of my way!
- What is this thing?
- Leave it alone!
You don't understand! It's dangerous!
You could wind up in another...
Another dimension?
This is amazing, Absolutely incredible,
Sherman... Oh, Sherman, don't, please!
- Just give it to me...
- I can't believe it!
No, no! No!
- Hi, Mom,
- (woman) You little cockroach,
Hey, what's the matter?
I got boogers? Huh?
Hey, kid, why do you
wear sunglasses at night?
Because when you're cool,
the sun shine on you 24 hours a day,
Oh, yeah?
Chill out, butch, And get a shave,
(Vince) The gizmo...
(Michael) Ellie's at school,
we gotta get her!
(Vince) Let's jam, let's jam!
(Nulty) My prisoners...
where are my goddamn prisoners?
(man laughing maniacally)
- Vinnie!
- I've always wanted to do this!
- (Michael) Meet me at the school!
- You got it!
(Vince) d Go, Speed Racer
Go, Speed Racer
whoo-hoo! Yeah!
Hey! Hey! Boy Sherman!
- What are you doing here?
- Let me go!
- Look, I didn't know! It's not my fault!
- What are you doing here?
- Help! I didn't know!
- Where's Ellie?
- Where is she?
- She's in the tower,
- The whole school's in the warp!
- What are you talking about?
- It's the end of the world!
- Cheerful, ain't he?
Look, Vinnie, you coming or not? Huh?
- where are you going?
- I'm coming, I'm coming,
But if I'm gonna wind up
in another dimension like Bobberino...
I'm going in there packin',
- Good luck,
- Oh, no, no, no, no,
This is no time to be sitting around,
sucking snot,
Мой научный проект Мой научный проект

Читайте также:
- текст Остров на английском
- текст Котёнок по имени Гав на английском
- текст Друзья - Сезон 7 на английском
- текст Кино Лиззи МакГайр на английском
- текст Винни-Пух идет в гости на английском

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