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Главная / Летят Журавли

Летят Журавли

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move in with Fedya...
Mark, she'll need some attention
to keep her from brooding.
Irina and I are so busy
at the hospital.
I'll do what I can, Uncle Fedya.
I promised Boris.
- Is it agreed?
- Um-hmm.
Is this the factory?
May I speak to Kuzmin?
He was drafted, too?
Excuse me, has anyone heard
from Boris Borozdin?
If it weren't for this damn war,
I'd be playing this
in the Tchaikovsky Hall.
For you.
Veronica! Let's go to the subway.
- I'm not going.
- Don't be silly. Come on.
- Are you afraid?
- For you.
Come with me.
I'm not afraid of anything.
- Veronica, let's go to the subway!
- No, I'm not going.
- Stop it! You've gone crazy!
- I'm not going!
I love you.
- I love you!
- No! No!
- I love you!
- Go away!
- I love you!
- No! No! No!
It's stupid to get surrounded
like this.
- Stepan, quit whining.
- Who's whining? I'm not.
The captain said we might be
able to break out by tonight.
Yeah, that's what he says.
Where'd you find that rookie?
In the incubator.
He's our reinforcements.
Now we'll break through for sure.
Is that a way to talk about
a married soldier?
I got yoked in my last year
of school.
The result of too much of
You're funny. Laughed yourselves
right into a trap, I guess.
- Volodya, you really married?
- I said it to sound important.
- Borozdin!
- Yes?
You'll go on a reconnaissance
You got to find the best place
for us to break through tonight.
- Turn in your documents.
- Yes, sir.
Hey, Sachkov! Take this, will you?
Why don't we rest?
And have a smoke.
Is she always laughing like that?
She probably thinks we're all
Let me see that beauty.
Hey, that's the soldier's life
for you!
- You're here, and she...
- And she what?
Hey, let me try that thing.
- Hold it, will you, Sachkov?
- Certainly.
Not bad for a first try.
Stop that!
- Aren't you ashamed?
- No, sir.
- Five days under arrest!
- Yes, sir.
- You both go on a reconnaissance.
- Why?
Turn in your papers!
Boris, here.
On account of her?
- I'd say she was worth it.
- She sure is!
However, we must maintain
You hear that? Discipline...
Stepan, keep this.
Be careful, don't lose it.
We... We'll get married,
Uncle Fedya.
Oh, I forgot. There's some
sausage left.
- Keep your head down!
- Stop ordering around!
Let's get out of here
before they get wise.
- If you're scared, run.
- Come on, you idiot!
Hey! Musician! Are you deaf?
Why the devil I'v got tied up
with him?
What's wrong with you?
Can you hear me?
- Go on. I want to rest for a while.
- Are you wounded? Hold on to me.
- Leave me alone.
- I tell you, get up!
Now hang on, hold tight.
This way's no good.
I'll have to carry you.
Come on, leave me here.
Are you still sore
because I punched you?
- You were just lucky, otherwise...
- Shut up, we'll talk later.
Here we go... Are you all right?
Hold on, friend.
It's only a little way to the woods.
We'll be safe there.
I'm winded. Let's rest a bit.
It's a little quieter here.
How are you?
It's hard to breathe.
Hold on, we'll have to get you
married yet...
Hey, buddy! What's the matter
with you? What's wrong?
Forgive me, friend, forgive me...
It's my fault... Forgive me...
Hey, somebody! Help!
Help! Help!
Can you hear me, Boris?
Are you hit?
It's nothing, I am just...
The Soviet Information Bureau
reports that
there were no important changes
on the front in the past 24 hours.
No news is good news.
Families evacuated with Plant 326
will be quartered
on Vosstaniya Street.
Comrades, report here, please.
- Irina, help me with the wounded.
- I'll get an orderly.
Everybody off!
We can't run much farther.
Poor Mother Russia!
Attention, please! Chief of Army
Hospital, Comrade Borozdin,
please report to the military
commandant at once.
Maybe we'll find peace here
at last.
Out of the way, the evacuated.
Your stove is smoking.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Save your
Летят Журавли Летят Журавли

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- текст Гвозди на английском
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