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Киборг 2

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human reasoning.
So, iќs escape or bust.
Now we're still speculating on the
motives of the combat instructor.
-Corporate spying?
They appear to have had outside
help. Could be Kobayashi.
-Whaќs your plan, Dunn?
-This uniќs training program
was under your own
personal supervision.
If she's apprehended and analyzed,
the entire Glass Shadow Project
is dead.
And Pinwheel bites the big one.
The normal tracking patterns
of escapee traffic
will not apply in this scenario.
No. Not with a major
corporate accomplice.
Now, my fellows,
I suggest we enlist a man
who has experience.
Somebody who knows the street.
Somebody who's worked
with irrational prototype models,
like the Velma Unit 5 years ago.
Get a psychopath
to find a psychopath.
-You're not suggesting...
Master Daniel Bench.
-Hello, Bench.
Yeah, well, well, well, well.
Martin Dunn of Pinwheel.
Iќs been a long time.
How may I
assist you?
Are you still active?
Well, if thaќs your
polite little way
of inquiring if
I still kill people
for a living, the answer is...
oui, oui, sн, sн,
oh, yes.
I'm still an equal
opportunity terminator.
I thought you may have slowed down
after the Velma incident.
Temporary setback.
You call five years "temporary"?
Oh, yeah.
The face is nicely on the mend now.
Trifle expensive, though.
But we can afford it.
An emergency has come up.
We're in need of service.
To the tune of?
Three hundred and fifty thousand
for nine hours.
Plus an additional ten percent
if the product is delivered
-Thirty percent.
Come on, Dunn. Twenty five.
Surgical costs are absurd
these days.
We have a Spec A, LC 7
female cyborg.
Standard anatronic
espionage model.
Plus one human. Male, 30 years.
Hand to hand, small arms.
I don't know, Dunn.
You sound kind of nervous to me.
She wouldn't happen
to be an experimental model,
would she?
Thaќs classified.
Do you want the job, or not?
Well, times being what they are...
I thought so.
The product is wired with
a 200 mile tap.
We can vid-fax their pictures
and set up a relay right now.
I think iќd be better
if I go alone.
The hackers will be looking
for a couple, not a single.
If I'm not back in 30 minutes, meet
me in the muzeum in South Sector.
I'm going to wait across the street
in that alley, okay?
Don't get dead.
-I'm looking for Wild Card.
-Just follow me.
You wait here.
Over here, killer.
No doubt about it.
That window will never
mess with you again.
-Nervous reflex, man.
-I forgot you're
strung pretty tight.
-Too many drugs.
Whaќs next?
Hook up with Cash
and wait for your contact.
-Okay. How will I know him?
-He'll know you.
Smart as a whip.
And remember:
Somebody somewhere
is dogging Cash's beacon.
In fact you've probably got
a wire-tapper
on your tail right now.
Professional cyborg tracker.
Keeps the escape classified.
They're well-paid
and I never met one who wasn't
a borderline psychopath.
-What are my chances?
-Hell, kid.
I'm amazed you're still breathing.
You're a sweetie.
Where you learn speak Chinese?
I was trained.
Trained for what?
What you want to know?
-How much time do I have?
-You got friend?
He's waiting for me.
A sharp field.
Very strong charge.
How you got such strong energy?
You need money?
I got job for you.
Good work for cyborg.
Top dollar.
Hey, buddy. Got a light?
This is a very big gun.
It makes very
Киборг 2 Киборг 2

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- текст Брат на английском

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