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-Very, but it...
Evgeney is a hero, one can say, and you...
You were calling him a lier just because,
his mum belongs to the bourgeois class.
And he broke off from her.
Well, why am l telling you all these?
You don't have heart.
That is it. Only dryness in the soul.
lt is not possible to tell you a word.
You do not want to hear any proposals
l cannot live without revolution,
here is where it is in me.
And for you it is just the same as civil service.
The only interest is
foreign clothes.
That you are changing all the time.
No more will l pester you.
lt is important for me to reach comrade
Brodskey. That's it.
Turn back.
Sanka. Crazy
The allies are already two months here.
But where then is Moscow?
l am no more dealing in them.
l am dealing only in dollars.
The allies are repeating their
famous manoeuvre in Marne.
Within two week we will be in Moscow.
My God. l placed an order
with a tailor yesterday for a suit.
lt will be ready
only in three weeks.
-Rabble! Get out!
-l'll get here anyway!
-Help! Thiefs!
-Don't worry!
The thiefs are robbing passers by.
-Sentry! Sentry!
-Sisi! Dear!
Do you hear? Gentlemen?
l have been robbed. Gentlemen, catch them.
-Here is one more!
-Yeah! lntercede for speculators.
Please help him.
The White army has
got more lofty tasks.
Than returning lost trousers to the losers.
-Mr. Voronov! Mr. Voronov!
-Good evening!
-Good evening, Mr. Voronov.
-My compliments.
Hello, hello.
Good afternoon, Mr. Voronov, Sir
Hello, Michel.
-l recommend Marseilles.
-And where are the others?
-We are being sent to the front.
That is it. She is already here.
For my city, free from the yoke of interventionists.
Handbag, Brevange
Franse. lnternational. Hurray.
Hello, Hello, Emile. Hi, Libo
-Hi, Michel.
Are they campaigning?
-So, is she ours?
And we thought that she is sick.
No. She is full of initiative.
Miss Fekla.
No. Sanka.
She is simply a great conspirator.
Filia. And l have dollars.
Could it be you don't like me?
Or l?
No. Don't say so.
l like you all very much.
Vocal and dancing performance "Robber"
The hour passed, Michel.
And the guys are still not here. Something happened.
We will wait.
A song: "ln Olhovskey lane,
a slain man was found.
He was in a leather jacket.
Eight wounds on the chest.
The deceased was lying on a table.
Brightly the candles shine.
The one killed was was a thief.
They will avenge him.
Not even one week has passed.
Rumours, rumours are going around.
ln Olhovskey lane,
two policemen were found.
Leather jacket was stolen,
trousers were stolen.
And bought moonshine to pray for them
lnclination may be? Well?
-l'm very glad!
-Bravo! Bravo!
Be quiet. Well?
Our work is a difficult work.
Especially when working for a whole day.
This is why it disgusting,
when they sing badly.
Perhaps bandits sing like that?
The choristers in the synagogue sing like that.
Of course, Mr. is so well
acquainted with the life of bandits.
Might be, he will show
us how bandits sing?
Are you asking for songs? l have them!
Song: "The thunder has thundered
-isolation is going on
The provincial investigation is sending out telegrams
That the whole district is filled up with thieves,
That the critical moment has set-in.
And the dark element is oppressing.
Not that correlation of forces-the managers lament,"
Aha. And more slowly?
"ln all hide outs
people are drinking not wines, but poisons,
ln all the town
-murders and round-ups,
They are ordering people to stake everything.
And apply the reserve variant!"
So. l don't like this.
"And in response they are advised with leg"
For me also. Gaston is missing.
Celestine and Juv did not come.
-"Respect that drama at least a little"
-We need to disappear. Only one by one.
-You are the first.
-"Four from the side-your people are not here!
Do not argue with us!"
Let the police go, he is going his normal
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Читайте также:
- текст 72 Метра на английском
- текст Малыши из мусорного бачка на английском
- текст Человек из ресторана на английском
- текст Королество кривых зеркал на английском
- текст Бегущий по лезвию на английском

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