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must leave before
Jenia's arrival.
Wipe your tears.
Look through the window-where is he?
Don't l disturb you?
You will never, never
disturb us, madam.
This is my student.
We have a geography lesson now.
l will take this geography lesson.
What for, madam?
This is a map of South
America, madam.
Do you remember? Corrida.
Bulls, madam. Flamenko. Pampass.
Cordeliers, madam!
Southern America, madam.
lt is a very, very rich country.
lt is all filled up with volcanoes,
crocodiles, lndians and lianas, madam.
There is the Amazon river.
But here are predators-lions, tigers, hyenas.
And palms are smelling sweet here. Palms, madam.
Palms, madam.
Please give me my son back!
You stole my son.
l don't understand, madam.
The Gipsy were stealing our children before,
but now the communists do.
You enticed Jenia with resounding
words, he followed you.
-Like a child after gipsy violin.
-What for?
Get off quickly!
Why do you need children from the
different class? Workers are prolific.
l had the only son and you stole him.
Where does she take the boxes?
What's going on?
Jenia is not a thing, madam,
which can be stolen.
-Yes, he is a thing.
-No, he's not a thing.
-l tell you: he is a thing.
-But l tell you that he is not a thing.
lt was me, who made him.
And l tell you that he is not a thing.
l made him: he is a thing. He is from me.
Sasha, Sasha! Sasha, are you already leaving?
-What's happened?
-Easy! Don't touch!
But will we see each other again?
l don't know.
l cannot do without you.
And also without revolution.
You tell lies!
Good. Your party, comrade
Brodskey personally needs money.
-Do you want 100 rubles?
-Too little?
-ls it not enough again?
-Okay! 200. This is good money.
-And that is a good guy!
You have the wares, madam, after all!
-Okay, 250.
-l laugh at you, madam.
A price tag of some thousands rubles was fixed
on my head.
Thus, does this mean that a boy
from a decent bourgeois family is cheaper?
Than a ragamuffin-bolshevik?
-10 000 and not a kopeck less!
-What for? Feel sorry for the poor mother.
You are not a mother, madam. You are a monster.
Your mother love extends no further than 250 rubles.
-Okay. You don't want it friendly?
-You don't want?
Help! Raping! Robbery! Fire!
Back! lnto the wardrobe, madam!
Michel, Michel, Michel, open please!
Michel, beware. You don't know
what is a deceived woman.
Hey, are you still here?
Sit to the car, right now!
Michel, l have carried out your
assignment, l delivered the letter.
You poke your nose too
deeply into other people's affairs.
-l am simply interested in revolution.
-Your curiousity is suspicious.
Don't dare to pester Sanka
with obscene conversations.
This is not a girl from
mummy's saloon, is it clear?
She is not a small girl,
and l am already not a child.
l see that you are a completely
perfect son of a bitch.
Stop that. Let's go!
Michel, l loved you.
Take care-l am dangerous!
-Kolka! Lackey! Spineless creature! Lackey!
-Open, Jenechka! Help!
Don't take me in!
Jenia! Jesus, what is this?
Oh, Jenia. Oh, be careful!
Spineless creature. You still shout on your mummy.
But your mummy prepared a gift for you.
Come here. Give me my service jacket.
Your mum made you a special assignment officer.
Under colonel Miasnitsky.
lt is not me!
One, two, three. Straight!
Swine! Forward! One, two, three.
Swine! Where is a report?
Warrant officer, it happens sometimes.
And that person is simply tired
after intensive discussions.
-Are you tired?
-Very tired. Remove him!
After small rehabilitation he'll
be ready for discussion.
You see, our place is comfortable, and sterile.
Privates are wearing the respiratory masks.
This is a secret agreement
between us and Entente.
Three copies of it need to be made.
Our political enemies would have paid highly
to get this document.
Diamonds. Hearts.Spades.
Интервенция Интервенция

Читайте также:
- текст Волкодав из рода Серых Псов на английском
- текст Звёздный путь: Оригинальный сериал на английском
- текст Филин и кошечка на английском
- текст Поздняя весна на английском
- текст Манекен на английском

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