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side again.
I can't.
That's what I figured.
How long you gonna
hang around here, Corky?
Isn't it time you packed it up
and headed home?
This is my home.
You gonna spend
the rest of your life in the jungle?
Oh, hell, this is
just temporary... till I'm king.
What's so damn funny about it?
He didn't mean anything by it.
A man's gotta have
a goal in life, don't he?
I aim to give these people leadership!
What if they don't want it?
You know,
I never thought about that!
You think my idea's crazy,
don't you, Leo?
Could get you killed.
Well, now, dying ain't somethin'
I worry about, Leo.
You know why?
You see, I got the charm, too.
You'll never let me go
that far, will you, Leo?
- No, I won't.
- Glad you're here.
I'm glad you're my partner.
- You really mean that?
- Yeah, I do.
In that case, you can
come on my sailing trip.
I accept your invitation.
- Sandy beaches.
- Luxurious hotels.
Fine restaurants.
- And...women!
- And...women!
What do you think, Max?
This is my command vehicle!
I want you to
go out of here in style.
- She's a terror in the jungle.
- I bet she is.
- Bye-bye, Cork.
- Bye-bye.
Hey, now, listen, Max.
You'll need this.
You stick to the low jungle,
and look, you can have this back.
- Watch your back.
- You, too, Corky.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Oh, wait, wait, wait!
Do you think
you'll ever see him again?
Which one are we gonna eat first?
Oh, Max, that's disgusting.
Leo, stop the car!
That's horrible! Stop it!
Oh, poor babies.
Get them out of here!
Max, that's disgusting.
And that's when we
stumbled onto the Zulu war party.
- The hunting party.
- Right.
A heavily armed
Zulu hunting party.
That wasn't Zulu.
They were pygmies.
Right. Pygmy cannibals.
Must have been a hundred of them.
Oh, maybe about twenty.
Leo, if you don't let me tell this,
it's not gonna be worth hearing.
- Where was I?
- Pygmy cannibals.
I don't speak Zulu or pygmy...
- Or cannibal.
- Not even cannibal.
Definitely not cannibal.
Oh, God!
Might as well
camp here tonight, huh?
You guys can make camp.
I'm gonna take a bath.
No, you're not.
Come on, give me
one good reason why not.
One good reason.
I think I better go
wash these dishes.
I think we're getting
real close, don't you?
Yeah, I feel a real bond between us.
No, silly, I mean to the gold.
Oh...yeah, we should be there
sometime tomorrow.
That is, if we're not off course.
- You mean we may be lost?
- No, just off course.
- What's the difference?
- Attitude.
You like this life, don't you?
Yeah, I guess so. Why?
I don't know...
jungles, deserts, caves.
It all sort of seems scary to me.
What scares you, Max?
Alarm clocks.
Apartment buildings.
Oh, my God, it's blood.
Do you think it was the crocodile?
How the hell should I know?
He had a feeling about this trip.
But I wouldn't listen.
It's not your fault, Max.
It is my fault!
This whole idea was stupid!
What are we gonna do?
Go back.
No. No, we can't.
I said we're going back,
and that's it!
- What about the gold?
- There is no gold.
There is, too. I know it!
Max, it's normal for you
to feel this way, but--
Look! Don't talk to me about normal.
I don't need any advice from a...
A what?
A fruitcake?
Witch woman? Lunatic?
Go ahead, Max,
I've heard it all before.
Yeah, I'm different.
You think I like feeling that way?
But, damn it,
I know there's gold there.
Either I'm right, or I'm crazy.
But I'm gonna find out which,
with or without your help.
You won't make it alone.
I will, too.
So will you.
Who cares?
Damn you, Leo!
Damn you.
This looks like
a good place to cross.
- How do you know?
- It's my job to know.
- Damn.
- What's happening?
We're sinking.
Get out! Swim for shore!
Come on!
What's the matter?
Can't you swim?
Of course I can swim!
Oh, God.
I hate the water.
Nothing like a morning swim
to get the old
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