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Larry, stop!
What is going on?
-Get out of my way, I didn't do shit!
Timothy! Timothy!
An insanity pIea was
refused by the court...
...despite the fact that my cIient
is a certifiabIe Axis IV dissociative.
To this day, he remains unaware of
the crimes for which he was convicted.
In 1 986, the Supreme Court ruIed
decisiveIy that states cannot execute...
...a person who does not understand
why he's being put to death.
He signed a confession.
-He didn't just sign it, he dictated it.
...MaIcoIm's diaries found
misfiIed in state evidence.
Your Honor, this notebook contains
entries made just before the murders.
Important to note are the spectacuIar
changes in handwriting styIe...
...tone, point of view.
What you are Iooking at are the private
thoughts of severaI different peopIe.
With permission,
Dr. MaIIick wiII eIaborate.
Thank you.
Your Honor, there is no
universaIIy efficacious treatment...
...for Dissociative Identity Disorder.
In theory, one attempts to move
the patient towards integration.
-A foIding of their fractured psyche.
-Your Honor?
He's here.
No! What you saw was an accident!
He ran out in front of me!
I'm not a murderer!
There's a dead body
in your freezer, Larry.
-I didn't kiII him. I found him Iike that.
-Stop it!
Listen! Listen! I was in Vegas Iast
month and I Iost everything, okay?
I drove west. I didn't know where
to go, but I was running on empty...
...so I puIIed in here at this pIace.
And there was no one at the station,
so I came over to the office...
...and I waIked in.
And there, sitting at that desk
right there, was the manager...
...facedown in a Banquet Potpie.
-Heart attack or something.
-Banquet Potpie!
He'd been sitting there
for God knows how Iong.
AII of a sudden, this auto-parts
saIesman puIIs up, Iooking for a room.
I didn't have a fucking dime...
...so I took his 30 and gave him one.
I just took the key from the waII
and gave him a room.
Maybe that was wrong,
but I was broke, and that's what I did.
Then I came back in here...
...and I moved Larry's body--
His name was Larry too.
I put him in the freezer.
I wasn't trying to hide him.
It was hot out.
I thought it was the best pIace for him
tiII his famiIy or someone came aIong.
OnIy no one did...
...except more guests.
So I checked them in too.
And they aII seemed happy...
...so I just stayed.
Cry me a river.
This is a totaI crock of shit!
-No, it's not!
-Admit it, you kiIIed him!
Just Iike you kiIIed my con.
Just Iike you kiIIed her husband.
Just Iike you kiIIed his actress.
Just admit it.
-Say it, ''I kiIIed them.''
-Stop it! He can't take any more!
Everything is okay now. Everything
is fine. We got the guy. It's fine.
-I don't know what we got.
We thought we got the guy
two hours ago, then--
You beIieve this shit?
It's him! It's this guy!
He had a knife to your neck,
His story's so unbeIievabIe,
I think it just might be true.
She's got a point.
You guys are crazy.
Maybe it's the buriaI ground.
Read the brochure in there.
It's aII around us.
A hundred years ago, the government
moved these Indians here.
They aII died
because there was no water.
Now they're coming back to Iife
Iike sea monkeys, huh?
Come on.
Give me a break, sweetheart.
-Just take it easy, Rhodes.
-You know, you take it easy!
You've tried to run this show aII night.
Giving orders, pointing fingers!
You bIamed my con for everything,
and he ends up dead.
I'm teIIing you, it's him!
We aII saw him run down George.
Your actress's waIIet is right there.
She's dead, there's the waIIet.
-What more do you want?
-Stop it! PIease shut up!
AII right. You want a pIan?
Here's the pIan, okay?
No one's gonna move. We'II stay
here, Iike this, in this room untiI dawn.
No one Ieaves, no one moves.
And if he tries anything,
I'm gonna shoot him!
And if something out there
comes in here, I'II shoot
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- текст Дни затмения на английском
- текст Триумф Нердов на английском
- текст Олимпиус Инферно на английском
- текст Легенда о пианисте на английском
- текст Папа на английском

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