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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Гамсун


1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15  
Norholm farm.
That's a mighty fine bicycle
you have there, Mr Christensen.
- It's a Crescent.
- I'd have liked one like that.
It's been a long time.
Don't say anything. I know.
I can't get hold of
any more liquor. I'm in a bad state.
Have you got any?
Dear, sweet Cecilia, if you have any,
please give it to me.
It was forfather.
Thank you.
I haven't been here forten years.
Has it changed much?
How are our loved ones?
I know Arild is in jail.
And Tore has been fined...
Is he in jail, too?
He was at Grini.
He sent me a letter.
He wrote he was digging up
executed Russian POWs. It stank.
- What about the rest?
- Mother got three years.
I went to see her yesterday.
It was awful.
And father's in a rest home.
He wants to be tried
and sentenced.
They'll never allow it.
They want him to wither and die.
They must think it too embarrassing.
He'll die in hell only.
He'll never give in.
What a family.
- What a wonderful family.
- Yes.
I'm going to visit fathertomorrow.
It's forfather!
Will you come with me?
Tell him from me... He shouldn't
have been an albatross.
He should've come down to us.
Tell the bastard...
No, don't.
Please don't, Cecilia.
Don't say it.
Just say hello to father.
Say hello from Ellinor.
- What have they done to you?
- I'm waiting, you see.
I'm being subjected to a mental
examination. To see if I'm mad.
In a week, I'll be at the asylum.
You must travel and see the world
even if you're old.
Ellinor sends her love.
How is she?
I see.
- What are you doing?
- Writing.
- It's really only words.
- Words?
I haven't written any words
for 15 years.
16, no...
So now I'm starting all over again.
- Father...
- One must write again.
Walk down the old,
overgrown paths.
Well, anyway...
Then I'll be happy.
- So, this is the madhouse.
- The psychiatric clinic.
It looks like Norholm
made of stone.
The doctor's note.
The doctor's note!
But I'm not ill. I'm the healthiest
person everto enterthis hospital.
- It's just that I'm deaf.
- Your glasses.
- But then I can't read.
- Your glasses.
You'll get them back tomorrow.
I've been sitting on that train
for 12 hours.
I want to sleep.
And I haven't had a thing to eat.
I hardly got time
to put on my trousers.
Sit down.
We will begin ourtalks now.
We'll make a thorough examination.
You are an interesting man.
Poets are extraordinary people.
Please write your name here.
Your name.
I started shaking 30 years ago.
I've written thick books
with this hand.
It will be interesting to explore
the anatomy of a poet's soul.
Will it take long?
Yes, it will take a very long time.
Shall we begin?
Very well, let's begin.
What is eleven times twelve?
Eleven times twelve, Mr Hamsun.
I never was good at arithmetic.
It once cost me 5,000 crowns.
But then,
it earned me 1,000 anothertime.
And I even worked in a shop
as a young man.
We'll do something simpler.
How much is seven times nine?
Seven times nine.
I know you hear prayers.
If only I could get an answer.
I know you hear prayers...
- Good night.
- If only I could get an answer.
I know you hear prayers.
Answer me.
If only I could get an answer.
"The Lord bless thee and keep thee.
Make his face shine upon thee. "
I am innocent.
I met him only once.
But I trusted him.
Maybe I was fooled,
but that can't be helped now.
He shouldn't have
treated the Jews like that.
We benefit from Jewish integration.
We, as well as other people.
He shouldn't have done that.
They ought to shoot me as well.
I'm not afraid of dying.
They might as well.
This is taking up a lot of time.
We've been at it for a month.
It's been torture.
I have to pass three locked doors
to get out into the open air.
And then back again
through the same locked doors.
Time is running out. How will I
ever get to serve my sentence?
Will you tell me about
your relationship to your wife?
- Your wife.
- No!
As for your description
Гамсун Гамсун

Читайте также:
- текст Кавказский пленник на английском
- текст Дети капитана Гранта на английском
- текст Антикиллер на английском
- текст Конец Вечности на английском
- текст Как я съел собаку на английском

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