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Главная / Даурия / Dauria

Даурия / Dauria

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nobody in our village.
I'm counting my blessings...
Not that I'm rich,
but I'm quite comfortably off.
So, what would be your answer?
I got only this to answer,
my dear matchmaker!
Tell Sergei Ilyich to look for
a bride elsewhere.
- I'm not eager to get related to him.
- You shouldn't say that.
A dry spoon scratches the mouth.
Let's have a drink and then talk.
Didn't you hear
what people say about our Darya?
I didn't, and I won't listen to it!
And if I hear anything, I'll use
my authority!
Agraphyona, lay the table.
That's a real talk.
- Hi, bride!
- The newlyweds!
If it wasn't you who came to ask
for her, I'd never given Darya away.
I'm so fond of you!
Fly up, falcons, like eagles proud!
To your sorrow, never yield!
Let's set up a tent as shroud
And camp out in a green field!..
Let's go to Chepalov's store!
Agraphyona, leave us alone!
Start up! Let's go!
I'm so fond of you, you know!
That's where you are, my dear.
- I tended the lambs.
- Cut it out!
Your mother and myself had
to blush on account of you.
Listen, gal, we've given you
away to marry.
- I'm not going to marry Alexei!
- Why not?
I'll have to live not with riches,
but with a man.
You mean, Alexei's not a man?
The most eligible suitor sent you
his matchmakers, and you're kicking?
What do you find wrong with
I'm in love with another one.
Who? Roman?
Forget him!
It's been decided.
I'd rather kill myself
than get married to Alexei!
You'll marry him alright!
As long as you're my daughter,
you'll live as I say!
- We'll have a wedding after threshing.
- I'll go and drown myself!
No, you won't!
Daddy, I don't love him!
I told Alexei so...
I never go back on my word!
The last one?
Come here.
Try it.
Is it good?
You'll have to stay here
and be a miller.
Our granddad is very sick.
I'll go get the doctor.
You are not afraid to be left
alone overnight, are you?
Well, so be it...
You might as well utter a word.
Are you going to pout for the rest
of your life?
- Who is there?
- It's me.
I've come to you, Roman.
I came myself.
Roman, my darling! My pretty
flower! We'll never be happy.
Why is God punishing me?
Stop crying, Dashutka! We'll run
away to the squatters' land!
They'll find us, Roman, and they'll
kill us. Nikifor will!
He won't, don't be afraid.
I'm not afraid for myself.
I'm afraid for you.
They're going to kill you!
- Refuse Alexei.
- It's too late, Roman.
- Give him up!
- Too late.
I can't live without you!
Oh, my God!
I've come to you, Roman!
I'm yours, all of me!
They're coming!
Not a berry over the saucer
is a-rolling,
Not a pearl after the berry
is a-going.
It's Alexei for his wedding
getting ready,
As his mother for the road him
She's preparing him and instructing:
You will go, my dear son, to get
Fair girls will be singing to you
pretty songs.
So be to them, my dear son, kind
and generous:
Give them not a kopeck,
and not a half-ruble,
Give to them, my dear son,
a whole ruble.
In the name of the Father and the
Son and the Holy Spirit, be happy!
- That's the end of a Cossack!
- Just pecked on it!
Let's see what the bride will do.
That's quite a piece!
She'll be the mistress of the house.
Dear guests,
please, come to the table.
It's not a forest dense,
nor a grassy growth,
That's our unruly heads
bowing very low.
Let's drink and feast, and make
To the health of our host and his
sweet cherry!
And in our merriment,
we shall cry "hurrah"!
Make it sweet!
Not enough! Make it sweeter!
- Make it sweet!
- Alexei, give her a long kiss!
For good luck!
From my twenty-seven girls
I went to plunge into water falls.
I got there - the place was crammed
With all the twenty-seven of them!
Yelisey Petrovich!
A messenger arrived from
the town.
- Did he say anything?
- To report immediately.
Where are our newlyweds?
I wonder how they're doing.
Даурия / Dauria Даурия / Dauria

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