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ll see you later.
Oh, boy!
All checked in.
- What's wrong?
- I don't know, it just...
...seems everybody's watching us.
Listen, if it'll...
...make you feel better,
why don't I go up first?
Room 467.
I'll be right behind you.
Miss Crawford,
please come to the reception desk.
Mr Stevenson, please pick up
the white courtesy phone in the lobby.
Hey, congratulations on your success.
- Really.
- Oh! Well...
One per cent inspiration,
ninety-nine per cent...
You don't remember me.
I'm sorry,
I've got a terrible memory for faces.
You should've seen Frank Holtzman
after he sucked gas.
Oooh! No way you ever would've
forgotten that face, no way!
You remember me, man!
I was in the bar when
you were talking to Frank,
the night before they found him dead.
- Excuse me...
- Hey, don't split, Wylie!
They got a really excellent bar
up on the roof.
Wanna get a brewski?
Yeah, I guess, if you twist my arm.
May I?
Never mind.
Yeah, let's have a seat.
- Found your own seats?
- Yeah, thanks, sort of...
- Sushi, sashimi, sake?
- No.
Pretty lady, a couple of brandies
for me and my amigo.
Yeah, you could do that,
scream for help, or like, run away.
But other than looking like a PCP freak,
you are for sure saying adios
to your lucky new life.
- That really fine new house.
- You've been to the house?
That foxy lady waiting downstairs.
Kiss that goodbye
'cause I know the truth about you, Jim.
Daddy'll tell everybody
if you don't behave.
Don't take this the wrong way,
it's not an insult,
but I really don't know
what you're talking about.
- You know?
- Buddy, buddy, buddy...
I read about you in the papers
and suddenly
I could see clearly now the sun was out...
See what clearly?
This really intense drama
I was involved in.
I made a deal with Frank Holtzman
to sell me one of those DYP-Gyros.
- What is a DYP-Gyro?
- Don't fuck with me, Wylie!
- We're into some heavy stuff here.
- Just don't kill anybody!
- Let's get a table.
- Yeah.
Oh, man, I could not believe
Frank Holtzman!
This dumbfuck
pisses all over me and my deal
and then, wait,
he gives you the goddam DYP?
I mean, you met him.
The man is totally weirded out, right?
Yeah, right.
Mr Strangeoid, definitely.
You know, he actually told me
you were some kind of KGB agent!
Hey, I'm a Rotarian!
Look, we live in an information
and service society, right?
- My service is to collect information.
- I can see the need for that.
I mean, the people I work for
are not exactly hotdogs.
They got money.
They got, like, zillions of scientists.
Fuck, you think they couldn't figure out
a Mickey Mouse little DYP-Gyro?
- No big deal.
- Right.
But this is so much cheaper and quicker,
they kick back and call me.
It's like room servicio. "Jeff,
we need a DYP-Gyro, send one up."
I'm sorry.
- I really brought you down...
- No...
If I were in your spot,
I would consider this a major bummer.
- Major!
- It's sort of depressing...
Shit! I don't like laying
heavy threats on people.
Like, I'm not into, you know,
master-slave power numbers.
Like, you see me at home,
outside of a business situation,
you'd really like me.
Yeah, I'm sure I would.
This is $10,000.
And that's just a down payment.
Not bad for a DYP-Gyro
that's not even yours.
How much more?
Well, that's 10%, so we're talking...
...100,000 dolleros.
Oh, fuck, man!
I know you, 'cause I been studying you.
And you're leaning.
You're leaning, baby...
I can feel it. Do it, man.
Shut up! Shut the fuck up!
Wylie, my God, where have you been?
I went back down to the lobby,
I waited, I was about to...
- You gotta hide these.
- What are you talking about?
Ever thought of chucking it all in
and starting a new life?
- No.
- Changing your name, your identity,
and running away to Tahiti or Khartoum
or some place like that?
Actually, I had more
modest plans tonight.
- Like sex.
- Yeah. I like sex.
I love
Лучшая защита Лучшая защита

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- текст Лучшая защита на английском
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