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Звездный Путь: Встреча капитанов

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-and he's never forgiven me for it.
-But, no...
With your pals, you're wonderful friends,
you love each other,
but something in your actor's mind
doesn't like,
"Jonathan, would you stop smiling?
Come on."
-Yeah, we did all of that. Absolutely.
-Can you say to your buddy...
For 170, you did 179...
-Eight. 178.
-... and you're on the last. Right.
So 178. So on the 177th show,
Jonathan says, "Patrick,
"I can't stand the smile." He says,
-"Would you stop smiling?"
-Yeah, sure. Sure.
-But, you know,
we said that when we weren't directing.
Yeah, we would have said it to...
It was absolutely free.
-Well, you were there.
-Yeah. Yeah.
Things you wouldn't like
about his performance...
If you didn't have thick skin on our set,
you really didn't survive.
It was a very, very brutal room.
-A tough room.
-Yeah, it was.
-A tough room.
-I don't understand the distinction.
You said you really enjoyed
doing the episodes,
but you did not want to direct the film?
Yeah, because the...
I'd been in the films
and they were outside my abilities.
The scale and scope of it was too huge.
Also, I felt I couldn't play the captain
and take on that responsibility.
I don't know how it was for you,
but when we were directing episodes,
I hated it, the days when I had to act.
And furthermore,
I couldn't act in the episodes I directed.
I used to walk, same arm as leg.
I was so stiff in my own episodes.
And I tried to get them to cut my scenes
down. They would do that anyway.
They would give you an episode
in which you were light.
We never directed anything
in which we were especially heavy.
I understand that very well.
The first Star Trek film that I directed,
I was hardly in it.
It was the Search for Spock, so I didn't
have to show up until near the very end.
-They couldn't find you.
Well, they thought you were dead.
As long as they couldn't find me,
the better off I was.
-"Remember," that's what it was about.
I couldn't wait to get out of my uniform
and into my jeans and T-shirt
and get my viewfinder around my neck.
We had a great time on our show,
and there are things that happened
at the beginning.
It came up recently.
I was a pain in the ass.
-Jonathan, come on.
Wait, wait, generally or...
Oh, yeah, I was
at the beginning of the series.
-Talk about that.
-I was...
Well, that was where
you were blowing smoke.
-Wait, we're getting good stuff now.
-No, no. This is the...
-It might have irritated the...
-Let him...
Let him talk about it.
I want to hear about it.
Well, Doctor...
-He is like a shrink, isn't he? Yeah.
-He is. Yeah.
I was scared.
The whole reason for me being
a pain in the ass
is that I was frightened.
-Of what?
-Of the work that I'd been asked to do.
I'd never done anything like that
in my life before,
I'd never worked in Hollywood,
I'd never been in a Hollywood studio.
All these people, they were so easy
and relaxed and familiar with everything.
And I had the responsibility
of sitting in that chair.
So how do you define...
What are the results
of the pain in the ass?
Well, I took everything too seriously
and I required my colleagues
to take it seriously, too.
And early on in the series,
there was this famous meeting
called by me.
I was the captain, after all.
You know, you're number one
on the call sheet.
He still calls me Number One.
And I called them all together
and I said, "I really think it's important
"that we all start
taking this work a little more seriously.
"I think there's too much
fooling around." I can't believe I did this.
"Too much fooling around on the set
and too much joking about.
"We're wasting time."
I said, "You've got to remember,
"you know, we go home
at different times of the day.
"These people, all these people,
they're here
"12 hours a day, more than that,
day after day after day.
"So, I think it's our responsibility..."
Can you believe that I made
Звездный Путь: Встреча капитанов Звездный Путь: Встреча капитанов

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