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Завтра была война

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was summoned to the investigator.
But I don't believe him.
My father is an honest man.
I thought a lot about it.
No, it's not cowardice, Iskra.
Whatever they might say about me,
I'm not a coward.
I remain a Komsomol member,
and I die a Komsomol member.
I'm doing that because
I cannot renounce my father.
I cannot and I don't want to.
I'm kissing you now for everything...
for the past and for the future,
my dearest,
my best friend."
Shall l bury her now?
Farewell, my friend, farewell. You go.
Though it's hard to break our soul
We're doomed to part. But this,
I know,
Promises I'll meet you far beyond!
Stand up!
Was it your idea to have
speeches at the cemetery?
- Yours?
- Mom.
Shut up!
I've warned you.
Didn't I warn you?!
I love you very much,
but if you hit me one more time,
I'll leave for good! Do you hear?
Why haven't you been at the cemetery?
They didn't let me off at work.
Shall we go to movies?
No, we're not going to the movies.
- Let's take a walk.
- All right, let's walk.
It was raining yesterday.
The flowers were soaked
and getting black before our eyes.
It was so scary.
The principal shouldn't have
spoken at the cemetery.
Why not?
- He's a good man. I pity him.
- Why pity?
He'll be fired.
And you think one should keep
silent, taking care of one's health?
It's no use sticking one's neck out.
How old are you? 100 years old?
- Makes no difference how old.
- It does.
How good it is to have only
old people around, right?
They only care about
their bad liver,
and try to live quietly
to the end of their days.
And it doesn't even occur to them
that you can just live.
No, it's not for us, Sasha.
We... we're the youngest
country in the world.
Don't ever dare to become
an old man, you understand?
Who told you all that?
Then you'd better keep mum,
you understand?
And you...
Soon top of it, you're a coward too?
- On top of what?
- On top of everything.
You're just wagging your tongues:
a + b.
And we're enriching the country
with these very hands.
Don't you see
that I'm just kidding?
And this helmet...
it was Lyuberetsky
who gave it to you, wasn't it?
Good morning.
Sit down.
Who allowed you
to change your place?
Me?... Nobody allowed,
but I thought...
Take your usual place.
Valentina Andronovna,
as long as Iskra's not here...
No backtalk. You'll talk
when you're called up.
- So we will talk after all?
- What's that heckling?
Have you forgotten about
the mark for behavior?
Kovalenko, are you hard of hearing?
Valentina Andronovna, please.
Can I sit
with Bokova today?
That's Vika's desk.
I see. You decided
to make a memorial of it.
Very touching.
But you forgot that this is a school,
which has no place
for wimps and neurotics.
Go back to your place now!
Don't you dare!
Don't ever shout at me again!
Ever! Do you hear?
You're not right,
Valentina Andronovna.
I'm not defending Kovalenko,
of course, but you too!
Sit down, Ostapchuk.
I told you to sit down.
And I told you first
that you were not right.
Schefer and Landys shave already,
and you call us children. We are not.
Please, remember it...
...at least.
All right.
I got it.
Who else considers himself adult?
I see.
Sit down.
Today we'll be reading.
Vera Pavlovna's dream.
Will you be so kind to read to us?
You may do it sitting.
"The future is bright and beautiful.
Love it, strive for it,
work for it,
make it closer,
bring from it to the present
as much as you can.
Your life will be
as bright and kind, as rich
with joy and satisfaction
as much you can bring to it
from the future.
Strive for it,
work for it,
make it closer,
bring from it to the present
everything you can."
Let me carry it.
You must go to school, Iskra.
You must do some work.
Or you'll just wear yourself out
without any purpose.
I'll go tomorrow.
It's hard to reconcile yourself
to your grief.
I know.
Завтра была война Завтра была война

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