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Завещание профессора Доуэля

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could've kept you in our
You. Are you going to amaze
the world tomorrow?
He's done.
He'll get back in. Want a bet?
I don't know who's going to win,
but it won't be you, Doctor.
I'd bet you'll be the loser.
Didn't I tell you that mine
would be the winner?
But I was right.
This boy is a fighter.
I envy you. Once I also wanted
to change the world.
We all look like
your dog's head.
They'll be storing your brain
one day too, Doctor.
I prefer other brains
working for me.
- D'you think she'll show up?
- I hope so.
She'll be here, don't worry.
We'll wait down there,
on the road.
Most people knock before
coming into a room, Doctor.
Open your mouth.
Everything's going fine.
Where are you going?
Having a date?
It's none of your business.
Keep your hands off me, Doc.
I'm no hooker, you're not my pimp.
- What are you injecting in me?
- All right. Shut up.
What's gotten into you?
That's it. I've had enough.
I'm out of here.
I'll see to it that you're
paid in full.
I'd better take that off then.
This is all part of a racket?
Trying to pass me off for
the dead girl? Resurrected.
And you'll grab a big lump of
money. Right? Count me out of it.
I picked you up, piece by piece.
I stitched you together like a doll.
None of this is yours.
I gave you a new body.
You're nothing, you understand?
You don't exist.
You're lying!
I didn't die.
I never died!
It's blackmail! I don't believe you!
I'm... I'm going to the police!
Doctor, how much money
do you want?
I want my lawyer!
Follow me.
Don't be afraid. Come on.
Leave us alone.
I hope she may believe you.
Come closer.
I trust your eyes.
- None of this is mine?
- That's correct. What d'you feel?
The me that's inside is someone
else. I'm all mixed up.
Poor child.
- What am I then?
- A biological construction.
If you don't get your dose of dope,
you'll cease to exist.
What can I do for you, Arthur?
I would like to invite you for
a little field trip, Doctor.
Get ready, will you?
Is this your idea of a joke,
I'm going to show you the place
where you left this.
This is the same model car
as the professor's.
We're going to do a reconstruction
of the "accident".
You take the wheel.
He left the professor's body
in the car.
Then he poured gasoline all over
and released the brake.
When does this little comedy end?
You may be interested to know
that the police also experiment.
You're a good detective, Inspector.
You'll get a job with us
whenever you want.
That's him. He gave me
the money that night.
He told me to forget
everything I'd seen.
He had a ring on, a green ring.
The job with us is still yours.
May I?
Marie, will you come up to
Cubicle 1?
I'll have to show you that
I've got an alibi.
This way, Inspector.
You'd better not come, Arthur.
You may wait here.
Wake up the professor.
Insomnia, Korn?
Professor, I'm being accused
of having murdered you.
I ran into the room. The professor
was lying on the floor.
I called for Dr. Korn. Injections,
massage... but it was too late.
It was a massive heart attack.
You see, we had only performed
this operation on animals.
The equipment and the serum have
been developed by the professor.
We decided to save...
My precious head.
I experienced a real, nice death.
Inspector, you forgot something.
- Come on, say something.
- Korn is innocent.
What was his alibi?
I saw your father.
Damn it all!
Mercury, we have landed.
I am reporting live
from the Dowell Institute.
This is the first time that radio
and TV have been allowed in here.
The small hall
of the Congress has gathered
together the world's most
renowned doctors, biologists,
The late Professor Dowell's
research work,
taken over by his assistant,
Doctor Korn,
is of great interest to specialists
and the public at large.
In half an hour, you'll be
switched over to the new solution.
- I'm worried.
- No need to worry, Marie.
Завещание профессора Доуэля Завещание профессора Доуэля

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