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Главная / В синем море, белой пене...

В синем море, белой пене...

This film was comissioned by the USSR
State Committee of TV and Radio.
A production of "Armenfilm" named
in tribute to Amo Bekhnazaryan
Out in the blue sea,
amidst the white horses
I've been waiting for this minute
for a thousand years!
I've been sitting in that uncomfortable
jug for a thousand years
which a great magician
trapped me into called ...
Blimey! Forgot the name
Come to me, my little saviour
I'm taking him with me
Ha! Where to?
You see, I'm really old now,
I need an apprentice and an heir
I don't want to be your apprentice
What are you doing, you old bandit?
Damn you, darned sorcerer!
Let me go back home to my grandpa!
Silly boy! I'll teach you how to
make storms and sink ships
But there are people there!
Who cares!
Everything will be yours!
No way!
You'll be rich and happy!
You'll live for 2000 years!
You want me to sink ships for 2000 years?!
And when you are a bit older, in about 300 years,
I'll marry you off to my daughter
Out at sea the winds howl
Storms break and gales growl
Boats are tossed and ships are turned
Those sailors never return! Ha-ha!
The ships go down - it's a real shocker
The treausure is lost to Davy Jones Locker
The ships lie broken,
The trunks wide open,
Bejewelling the sea bed with rubies and pearls,
If you want to be rich and impress all the girls
Stay for the diamonds
And become a Poseidon
You agree to be my apprentice!
Lesson 1
If you say Alp-Ben-Dim,
you'll turn into anything you want
Swimming away, ha?
Ok, and how were you going to
become a human being again?
Come! Once again!
Doesn't work, ha? Don't even try!
You need to know the second spell
But, if you want, you could stay as a fish
and swim back to you grandpa
He likes fish...
...fried fish.
- Do you think you remember the second spell?
- Me?
- I bet you've forgotten everything
over the past 1000 years!
Wait! Erek-Oo-U-Chors!
You scared the hell out of me!
I'm still good!
It worked!
How did you do it?
Did you get it yourself?
You are such a bright and able kid
You'll sow winds in the ocean,
In the azure sea, such watery commotion,
All'll veer off their courses,
To be lost in the white horses
Let them sink to the sea-bed
With their anchors and sails
They'll cede their treasure to you
Amidst moans and wails
The ships lie broken,
The trunks wide open,
Bejewelling the sea-bed with rubies and pearls,
You'll be rich and impress all the girls
Stay for the diamonds
And become a Poseidon
- All right then, I agree to be rich.
- I knew that!
I agree to be happy
I'll be your apprentice
But there's still one thing
I can't fathom out
- How did someone so big...
- Like me!
- ... and stout ...
- Me again!
manage to fit in that tiny jar?
What? Don't you believe me?
I'm sorry, my Teacher, but ...
Ok then, take a look at this, silly boy!
So, what do you think?

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- текст Звёздный путь: Энтерпрайз на английском
- текст Судьба человека на английском
- текст Лисы на английском
- текст Новый Гулливер на английском
- текст Набалдашник и метла на английском

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