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right to kick me out of town.
Are you crazy? Nobody's
trying to kick you anywhere.
All I'm suggesting-
All I'm suggesting is that you go and do a
story in New Orleans for a couple of weeks.
They got this hot consortium of
developers there. They're all ex-chicago.
You pick up Yablonowitz
the minute you come back.
You need a lobotomy.
Down the corridor, third door on
the left. They got diplomas in it.
I just want us to lay back
for a while till things cool.
Especially till after we
run your story on his mother.
I don't want you
in here permanently.
I like it here. The
nurses give me bed baths.
How 'bout if I order you
to New Orleans?
How 'bout you go screw yourself?
How 'bout dinner Sunday night?
How about
the Nell Porter story?
It's better than
the New Orleans one.
You're on shift work,
you two.
He bugs me weekdays,
you Sundays.
Souchak, just because it's out of chicago
- Nothing personal, Sylvia.
You know I love you, respect you
and long to tear your clothes off.
- Ahem.
- Dump this mick and let me take you away from all this.
Where to, if you won't
leave chicago?
Another part of chicago.
Oh, come on.
Grow up, Sylvia.
What the hell do I know about
the intercontinental crack?
continental Divide.
That too.
Fresh air makes me nauseous. I bet
they got hills up where she comes from.
Sort of.
We call them the Rockies.
The Rocky Mountains?
So you've heard of them.
Good night. Thank you
for two-thirds of dinner.
Souchak, it's a scoop.
She's never been interviewed.
Four years she's been up
there, completely alone.
Apart from her eagles. She's
a highly respected scientist.
She's an eagle freak.
She is a holy woman.
Ohh! Why didn't you
say that?
That makes all the
difference. A holy woman.
Is there any more
It'd be something new
to write about.
I like writing the old thing
over and over. A new angle.
Really? Some big eagle up there
wheeler-dealing little eagles?
Fixing eagle elections?
A crooked eagle in Nebraska?
souchak, the Rockies run
through eight different states.
Nebraska isn't one of them.
Try Wyoming.
souchak, for my sake
as managing editor,
if you wanna f nish off
Yablonowitz, you gotta stay healthy.
Go to Wyoming.
you talked me into it.
The answer's no.
Don't make eyes.
Making eyes at a Souchak
never worked.
I'm a Souchak,
so it just won't work.
- Uh-huh?
How do people get up the Rockies? How?
They havejeeps,
things like that?
eeps, helicopters.
They got everything.
so you think we did the right
thing? Oh, for God, s sake.
You think he, II be okay? sylvia, he, s
a grown man. What can happen to him?
That, s what I keep
asking myself.
Listen, I know souchak. He, II
be having the time ofhis life.
Look, you go on.
Leave me here to die.
I always wanted to die
in the mountains.
You get the view and everything. Mountains?
These here is bumps
in the ground.
What are you doing?
checking for rattlesnakes.
What for?
Plenty other things up
there to worry about.
Well, good.
I'll worry about them then.
What is it?
Am I pleased
or frightened?
Take a look.
What the hell is that?
i just told you- Possum.
esus hrist. i
You got lots of possums
around here? ust that one.
Been spotted a few times.
is he friendly?
You one of them
reporter fellas?
I don't know what
you're talking about.
She likes reporter fellas
least of all.
She don't like
no one much.
She almost killed one.
One what?
Reporter fella?
Fella messin' around
with her eagles.
What do you mean,
"almost killed"?
You know, when you stop breathin'
and walkin' and seein' things?
That kind of "almost
killed him." Uh-huh.
Oh, shit!
Getting more fun
every day.
The air's thinner
up here.
Better lay off those
Every day
for 13 years,
some smart-ass has been
trying to tell me to qui-
Dear Lord, I know this might
sound a touch
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- текст Конёк-Горбунок на английском
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- текст Лунный Папа на английском
- текст Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон на английском
- текст Собачье сердце на английском

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