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Московская элегия

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morally responsible
for the acts
they intend to transfer
onto the screen.
That's the main thing.
They should get accustomed
to the idea
that it's is a serious,
difficult art,
with great sacrifices.
lt's you who must belong
to the art, not vice versa.
They should get accustomed
to the idea
that cinema is too serious,
too difficult...
lt's cinema that makes use
of you, not vice versa.
l think one's got to learn
how to serve film,
not be its victim.
lt makes use of you,
not vice versa.
His life in the West
was not a miraculous dream.
He shot Nostalghia
freely, but not easily.
The great doubts and
tragic clarity of thought
that had pursued Tarkovsky
all his life,
followed him
No matter what he did,
nor in what country he lived,
he remained
a Russian humanist.
lt was painful.
He said:
''After all, happiness
isn't all in life''.
Listen, l want
to ask you a question.
Why is it women who always
ask for something?
You ask me? l'm a simple
sacristan, what can l know?
Perhaps you've already
asked yourself?
Why women should be
weaker than men?
You should know that
Because l'm a woman?
But actually...
...l never understood it.
l'm an ordinary man.
To my mind...
...women were created
to bear children,
and raise them patiently
through self-sacrifice.
They're not good
for anything else?
- l don't know. Thank you.
You've helped me a lot.
You've asked me
what l was asking myself.
You want to be happy.
This isn't all in life.
...passed away the leader
of the Soviet Communist Party,
of the Soviet State
a prominent figure of the
world Communist movement,
a true fighter
for peace.
ln their Appeal to the Party
and the Soviet people,
the Central Committee,
the Supreme Council
of the USSR
and the Council
of Ministers
called on the Communists
and all the Soviet people
to rally closer around
the Leninist Central Committee.
The Appeal said: ''Our people
are sure that
''no matter what the event,
or ordeal, our Party...
...remains at the height
of its historical mission.''
By the coffin,
hundreds of wreaths from...
...the Central Committee, the
Supreme Council of the USSR,
from the Council of Ministers,
from the Soviet Republics,
from Party bodies,
from our country's workers
and public organisations,
and foreign
The awards honouring
Leonid Brezhnev
for his numerous
as leader
of the Communist Party
and Soviet State.
The funeral procession is
approaching the Kremlin wall.
Paying last respects.
The mourning...
has stilled our country.
Before the Mausoleum,
troops of the Moscow garrison
are marching.
Leonid Brezhnev's life
and activity
will remain
an inspiring example
of devotion to the cause
of the Communist Party...
What're you reading?
Poems by
Arseni Tarkovsky.
- ln Russian? - No,
in a rather good translation.
- No, it's a poor translation.
- Why?
Verse can't be
Perhaps l'd agree
for poetry,
Here is someone
coming down the hill...
What does it mean?
A Russian song.
But then, how shall we learn
...and Pushkin?
How to understand Russia?
You don't understand anything
about Russia.
Then you know nothing
about ltaly,
if you don't need Petrarch,
Dante or Machiavelli.
We simpletons are unable
to understand this.
Then what should we do
to know each other?
the borders.
What borders?
The state borders.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- This is the maid who
set the master's house on fire.
- What house?
- The one where she worked.
- Why?
- Out of nostalgia.
She wished to return
to her native Calabria,
so she set fire to the house
that was preventing her.
Why did
your Sosnovsky...
...want to come back
to Russia,
if he knew he was
to be a slave?
Why don't you want
to open up your heart?
May l know why?
- Read this, you'll see why.
- What's this?
The letter from
the Bologna Conservatory...
Tell me,
Московская элегия Московская элегия

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- текст Эрагон на английском
- текст Собачье сердце на английском
- текст Питер FM на английском
- текст Сто дней после детства на английском
- текст Марти на английском

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