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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Левиафан


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How can you sit there goin', "Shh, shh,"
after what we just went through?
And another thing. I'm gettin' tired
of hearin' about your goddamn skiin'.
You don't know shit about skiin'.
They don't ski in Spanish Harlem.
What about what we just saw?
Like Willie said, you deal with it
your way, and I'll deal with it mine.
- Doesn't anybody care what happened?
- What're you gonna do about it? Huh?
Sixpack and Bow are dead.
I can't help what happened. Can you?
I'm gonna go get somethin' to eat.
Anybody want anything?
Eat? After what we just went through?
The storm's still holding its course.
What about that disease?
Still just the one crew member?
No change. Still just the one.
Everybody's jumpy. What are you doin'?
Lookin' for butter for the popcorn.
Look, Hazy, you gonna make me finish
this puzzle by myself, or what?
I should.
You know how long that took me?
Hundreds, thousands, millions of hours.
- I'll be right there.
- Okay. Hurry up.
Holy shit!
Please, God, help me!
Help me, Jonesy! Help me.
I'm gonna go get some help.
I'll be right back, okay?
Don't leave me.
Jonesy, don't leave me!
- Please.
- I'll be back.
Look! It's got Hazy!
Stay here and watch the door!
Don't let him out!
I'm gonna go get the doc.
I didn't want to tell her about Bowman.
I listened to Martin, and my mind said,
"She's full of shit."
It's got DeJesus! Come on!
Don't go in there.
Don't touch anything!
What the hell you doin'?
You supposed to be watchin' the door!
I won't watch that thing
without protection.
- That thing is my friend.
- Your friend is not human!
Shut up, both of you! Jones!
Let's go find him.
Okay? Come on. Let's go find him.
Wait a minute. Where's Willie?
What's happening?
My God, she's out there.
All right. Jones, you come with me.
Doc, you and Cobb check your office
and the dorm. Let's go.
It's her scarf.
Oh, sorry. What are you doing here?
- What the hell you doin'?
- I've been trying to fix these lights.
- What's going on?
- What got Sixpack and Bowman is here.
- What?
- It just got DeJesus.
All right. We're talkin' turkey.
Oh, my God.
The blood supply.
Oh, my God.
It got the blood supply.
It's growing. It's had a meal.
- It needs blood?
- Apparently.
This is great. You're tellin' me we got
a goddamn Dracula in here with us?
That's why that one on the ship
was dead. It needed blood.
- What one on that ship?
- Tell the rank-and-file the secret.
Whatever it is,
it appears to be a genetic aberration.
- No shit.
- What're you trying to tell us?
It has all the characteristics of
deep-sea marine life: Scales, gills...
regeneration, even a period of dormancy.
But the fact that it remembered
where that plasma was stored...
seems to imply that is has
some other quality.
- What?
- It absorbs its victim's intelligence.
Intelligence may not be the right word.
The hell with semantics. Are you saying
it's part DeJesus, Sixpack and Bowman?
I don't know. I'd just be guessing.
But I do know the Russians deliberately
sank that ship to protect themselves.
Maybe to protect us all.
Then I say we protect ourselves. Let's
escape into the air bubbles and get out.
And hit the surface in a hurricane?
The storm'd rip those bubbles to pieces.
- They'd never find us.
- We wouldn't stand a chance.
- What are we gonna do?
- I think we got one shot.
Just one shot. We lure it to the swamp,
flush it out just like the other.
How're we gonna do that?
So we rendezvous in the mess
in 30 minutes.
Mr. Cobb, synchronize 30 minutes.
Mark. Got it?
Okay, so I'll run this by you again.
If Jones and I aren't back here
in 30 minutes in the mess...
hurricane or nothin', you get in those
escape bubbles and haul ass.
- Let's do it.
- Be careful with this.
- Don't worry. I don't want to give more.
- Take care.
I'll do my best.
Okay, let's go.
You know, I was quite good once.
When I did something,
it was important, you know?
I developed drugs and
Левиафан Левиафан

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- текст Бетховен: Большой бросок на английском
- текст Набалдашник и метла на английском

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