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Главная / Глаза Лауры Марс

Глаза Лауры Марс

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No. That's not Tommy's story.
One day, the father comes home.
I think it was the father.
It might have been a john,
you know, a trick.
Outraged about the condition of
the child, he slashes her throat...
...right there on the spot.
I watched the blood dry
on her face...
...until it was just about
the colour of your hair.
You said " I."
I don't know what you see
in that son of a bitch.
Can't even pay his bills.
They turned off his electricity.
He cannot finish his dissertation.
He's been working on it for three years.
I'm the one that keeps him in shape.
See this body?
That's my work. If it was up to him,
I'd weigh 98 pounds.
I'm the one that feeds him.
I pay the bills.
I answer the Christmas cards.
I'm the one you want.
I love you! I love you.
If you love me...
...kill him.
If you love me, you'll kill him.
I love you.
Please, kill him.
Police operator 834.
Where is the emergency, please?
I want to report a death.
Ma'am, please give me
your name and address.
Give me your address, please.
He came here to kill me.
Be calm. I'll have someone
there to help you in a moment.
He couldn't do it.
Because he...
In order to help you, I have to
have your name and your address.
He really did love me.
Just give me your name.
Your name.
I'm Laura Mars.- Good luck tonight, Miss Mars.
- Thank you, Tommy.
You are perfect.
- How is it in there?
- Too early to tell.
- We're about to be clotheslined.
- By whom?
Sheila Weissman.
Miss Mars, I'm Sheila Weissman.
I remember you. How are you?
We agreed that interviews
would be done inside the gallery.
I want to ask her if she knows
how offensive her work is to women.
- Cute.
- Let's go.
Photography is becoming
a high-priced commodity.
And there is suspicion
in some circles in the art world...
...a feeling that we're running
out of salable paintings...
...and photography
is being pumped up.
That an artificial market
is being created...
...and photography is just a hype.
These are not easy
questions to answer...
...but here in this gallery...
...there is a fabulous exhibit
of violent and sexy photographs.
Aren't you doing
a fashion hustle?
Recycled photographs, really.
Does anyone have
anything positive to ask?
Do you consider yourself
a serious artist?
- I'm very serious about my work.
- Serious by what standards?
- By my own standards.
- Isn't that an elitist position?
Honestly, I think
I'd better take the Fifth.
You can do better than that,
Ms. Mars. Really.
Fellas, come on.
Give us a break here, huh?
She'll see you later, I promise.
I loved your questions.
We have to mix
with the real people now.
- Is there a back door?
- You are a sensation.
You're the right
number of minutes late.
Traffic was terrible.
We are going to sell
pictures like crazy.
Now, who shall we work on first?
The art world is
being asked to consider...
...these provocative pictures
as salable art.
We'll be examining
these questions tonight...
...and meeting people on all sides...
...of what is rapidly
becoming a major controversy.
I don't know when I've seen
more hostile reporters.
If they don't stop drinking,
I'm gonna throw their asses out.
- Have you seen Doris Spenser yet?
- No.
What I think Laura is saying
with her work...
...is "Okay, America.
Okay, world. You are violent.
You are pushing all this murder on us.
So here it comes right back at you.
And we'll use murder
to sell deodorant...
...so that you'll just get bored
with murder". Right?
Oh, my God, I don't believe this.
Just a minute. Let me think.
Do you have to do it now?
- We want to question certain people.
- I understand.
This will spread like wildfire.
It'll wreck the opening.
- Can't you give us an hour?
- A half-hour.
Really, that's so gross.
I hear you did some work in Negev.
I didn't have a chance
to take enough pictures...
...so I'm going back in two weeks
to shoot the border war.
Глаза Лауры Марс Глаза Лауры Марс

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