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Главная / Финист - ясный сокол

Финист - ясный сокол

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IittIe rascaIs.
And where did that oId witch
come from?
Come to our fire, granny.
Thank you, beautifuI.
Take a seat.
NeniIa, how come you're here?
I'm gathering herbs and roots
with my friends.
On the night of Ivan KupaIa
they gain their medicinaI power.
- HeIp yourseIf, granny.
- Thank you.
Let aII your sorrows, hurts
and troubIes burn down
together with this herb.
Turn this beggar out. The oId witch
wiII bring disaster upon us.
How can I drive an oId woman
out into the woods at night?
She won't eat much here, and in
the wood the beasts may eat her.
Stop scaring the oId thing.
WeII, when are we going
to eat the axe?
The axe's not done yet,
it's stiII too hard.
Oh, soIdier, you sIy fox!
Just Iook at him!
What do you know! He tricked me!
Yes, you, such a devious woman...
I mean, cIever.
Who's that?
That must be the monster roaring!
Don't kiII the monster!
PeopIe say
that's not a beast
but a man with a speII over him.
And that speII can onIy be Iifted
by a fair maiden
who wiII faII in Iove with him
and be ready
to marry him.
We shouId teII the Voivode about it.
You say
a man with a speII over him?
I see you've got a kind heart.
WeII, I must hurry up to the merchants'
Goodbye, good peopIe.
What do you mean, goodbye?
And where's your thank you?
You ate our porridge, you got
warm by our fire just for nothing?
I'm sorry, my dear.
I forgot.
As soon as the fern begins to bIossom,
take this branch
and say over it
your most cherished wish.
Whatever you wish, it'II come true.
I wish...
Hey, grandma! Stop joking!
Don'tjoke, you oId thing!
Oh, I do have
a wish with horns.
Where's our fern?
Anfissa, dear, the fern
is aIready in bIoom. Hurry up!
Make your wish!
WeII, first of aII,
we shaII wish...
- A cow.
- Wait!
We shaII wish...
A cow!
- Leave me aIone, tyrant!
- What can I do with this woman?
We shaII wish a big...
May the earth swaIIow you!
I'm teIIing you... a cow!
Where's my man?
Oh, I'm an orphan,
a poor orphan!
- He's where he was sent.
- Then get him for me!
- Agafon!
- What?
- Do you hear me?
- I do. But not the woman.
Your woman caIIs you back!
What for?
I'm weII off as it is.
Oh, I'm a poor orphan!
Oh, how dark it's here!
You snake!
You and your oId witch
puIIed the wooI over my eyes.
- Get me my man back!
- I can't go there without permission.
You can't? But Ieaving a woman
without a man, that you can!
Let's go to the Voivode
and ask his permission!
I can't. I'm going
on a secret business.
I'II show you
your secret business!
I'm waIking and singing a song,
I get never depressed or dejected.
And my hero's heart aII aIong
Is afraid of no barrier erected.
Yet I'm serving and not compIain,
Yet I'm serving and not compIain,
Though sometimes it makes me grieve!
AIyonushka, Iet's go with us!
We'II heIp you to find your hero!
Let's foIIow a surefire pIan of
Start with the merchants' quarter.
You get ready too, FingaI.
- Kastryuk!
- Yes!
Pretend a merchant,
get to the quarter,
deceive the Voivode
and open the gate at night!
Got it.
Kartaus the robber's here.
My heroes go attacking!
What's the matter?
Itjust sIipped!
Itjust sIipped...
Any sign of the carts?
What about Finist?
a rich merchant is at the gate,
he asks to be Iet in.
- A rich one?
- Very rich.
With fancy cIothes on and a big chest.
Bring him here!
Whoa! Stand stiII!
Good day, merchant.
TeII us where you've been
and what you've seen.
I went around the worId,
SeIIing fabrics of every foId:
SiIk and braid,
GaIIoon and brocade,
Satin and cIoth,
VeIvet of great worth,
Cotton of aII prints,
CaIico chintz,
Thinnest musIin
And bIue nankeen.
SoId aII without haste,
Made a profit to my taste.
They got over forty soIdiers,
and cannons too.
You're teIIing a very
weII-put-together story.
And what do you want?
My dear Voivode,
I want to make new puttees
Финист - ясный сокол Финист - ясный сокол

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- текст Звёздный путь: Следующее поколение на английском
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- текст Луни Тьюнз: Снова в деле на английском
- текст Сказка о царе Салтане на английском
- текст Отныне и во веки веков на английском

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