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Дитя человеческое

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Canterbury. We're close.
Anyone know
if there's a hotel around here?
Julian promised me a little bit of action.
You still like it in the afternoon?
So what did you do? Rob a train?
Blow up a building?
Leave the girl alone.
You told me he was suave.
Wanker's a drunk.
He's suave. You should have seen him
in the old days when he was a real activist.
You were the activist,
I just wanted to get laid.
One time the police came
to throw us out of our squat
and Theo invited them up for coffee
to negotiate,
only the coffee was spiked with ketamine.
No! You didn't, did you?
Fuck off. You gotta be kidding.
You know how many people
I've tried this with?
I don't wanna know.
You'll be happy to know
out of the hundreds...
- Hundreds?
- ...you are still the only one.
- I'm not doing it.
- Yes, you are.
- No, I'm not. The car's moving too much.
- Yes, you are. Yes, you are.
You are. Ready?
No, wait, wait. Okay.
Do it again! Do it again!
Julian, that's disgusting!
Look out!
Jesus! Shit!
Go! Go! We're gonna make it.
Come on, we're gonna make it.
No, I'm not gonna make it!
I'm not gonna make it!
- Christ!
- Back up! Back up now!
Oh, save us!
Save us in our hour of need!
Blessed Mary, save us.
Christ, Jesus!
- He's got a gun!
- Cover Kee!
Get down!
Oh, my God!
She's been shot! Fuck. She's been shot.
- How is she? How is she?
- She's bleeding!
She's bleeding, she's bleeding everywhere!
Shit! Julian.
Put pressure on the wound!
Please, please, please.
Please, please.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Jesus Christ!
It's the cops. It's the cops.
Did they see us?
Keep going. Speed up.
Are they coming back?
What's happening?
Faster! Faster!
- Are they coming back?
- I don't know. Just go faster!
Can't you pull off the road?
- All right, slow down. Slow down!
- I can't outrun them. I can't outrun them.
- Stop the car.
- I gotta stop. I gotta stop.
Pull over to the side of the road.
Stop the car!
Get your passports out!
Stay inside the vehicle!
We're British citizens!
We're British citizens!
- British citizens!
- Hands on the steering wheel!
Hands on the steering wheel!
Calm down. Tell me what happened!
We were attacked!
We gotta take her to a hospital.
Okay. Just wait.
I'm gonna call for assistance.
What are you doing? What are you doing?
- Get in the car.
- Why did you do that?
Get in the fucking car!
Get back in now. Quickly.
We gotta get off the road. Get in. Get in.
Go! Go! Go!
We have to call on help now.
Put your hands out.
Fucking shit.
May all the ascended beings,
the bodhisattvas and saints
and all those who have walked the surface
of the earth in the light of eternal truth,
come to the aid
of our beloved sister, Julian.
Theo! Come on!
Theo, come on!
This is Tomasz and Emily's farm.
I already called and told them the situation.
We'll be safe here.
Fishes are coming in
to vote for a new leader.
- Ian?
- Yeah.
- We have to convene.
- Everyone's arriving.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah, it's not my blood.
- Emily, Tomasz, this is Kee.
- Welcome.
They need to wash up and rest.
How about Julian's mate?
Yeah, can somebody
give me a lift back to London?
No, no, no. It's too dangerous.
We'll sort it tomorrow.
Tomasz, get him a shower and a clean shirt.
Tomasz, don't block the car in.
It needs to be jump-started. Ian?
They like you. And they don't like anyone.
- You did what you could.
- We need to show strength and unity.
- The shirt fit?
- Yeah, it's fine. Thanks.
I'll take care of this.
As head Fishes,
we need to make a choice now.
We need to choose leadership.
I don't think
that those bloodstains will wash off.
Don't worry about it. Throw it away.
- I'm in charge of watching you.
- Why?
They told me.
Well, I'm going back to London tomorrow.
I lived there once. Didn't like it.
They kill you.
- Where you from?
- Poland.
Is this your
Дитя человеческое Дитя человеческое

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