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Детская ревность

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those kind of things?
I don't know.
I suppose so.
Would you like it?
I don't know!
You could use your anger
in a more productive way.
How's that?
You could help me
write this card.
It might calm you down.
What's the present for?
A party.
But I'm having second thoughts
about going.
OK. Everything's ready.
Your order's in.
Let's see...
I got the address.
They're making up your basket
in the back...
and we'll send it out
as soon as it's done.
OK. Thanks.
You done with that card yet?
Not yet.
I was just getting some help.
What do you say?
So then you don't really
want to go to this party?
No, not really.
I feel obligated, but...
Tell them to start without you.
That way, you know...
You could go late,
if you wanted to.
Bourbon and soda.
Why were you so angry?
I was just upset.
Somebody upset me... my sister.
You shouldn't
let her bother you.
She thinks that I need to...
improve myself.
You shouldn't pay so much
attention to your family.
Anyone can see that
you don't need improvement.
You don't know me.
Not that I don't appreciate...
that you think
that I don't need any.
I like you
much better this way.
How's that?
You're in a good mood now.
I think you put me
in a good mood.
How'd I do that?
I don't know.
I guess it's nice
to just, you know...
be able to just be myself.
Instead of?
Instead of what
I'm supposed to be.
- You know, good.
- Oops!
Oh... I'm Sorry.
What does that mean...
Sometimes people just think...
that you're always supposed
to act one certain way.
And that can just get
sort of tiring.
You're being good now?
I'm not.
I don't even know you...
And I never talk to strangers.
Are you always good?
Yeah, pretty much.
I try to be.
Did you ever try not to be?
I don't think anybody
would recognize me.
I don't think people
would really like it if...
if I wasn't being...
the person that they think I am.
So you're protecting everyone
from this other side you have.
Must be a pretty
dangerous side.
You been hiding yourself
for a long time?
As long as I can remember.
I bet it would be real nice
to let the real you out.
I don't even know
if I know how to do that.
Do you?
My, my, my Aunt Jemimah!
Sweet, sweet...
This is delightful.
Oh, my god,
you are truly gifted!
What is that you're doing?
That's good!
That's very good.
This is very pleasurable!
Ina gadda davida!
Are you a jogger?
I can't take any more.
God! Whoa, whoa!
Just take me...
This is so...
I can't take it anymore.
Yes, I can. I can.
Just give it to me.
OK, just...
Oh, god, rock and roll!
Is this all the mail
from yesterday?
Yes. I believe that'll be it.
I'll take care of it.
Hi, Don.
How's it going?
Mr. Diamond doesn't want
vertical blinds, Nick.
Mr. Diamond hasn't seen
my vertical blinds.
And because you and I are
old friends from high school...
I thought that
I'd give your boss...
first peek at the new line...
before I brought them
across town to the Hyatt.
There's no way, Nick.
There is a way, Donnie.
If I can hang them
in one of the rooms...
if Mr. Diamond can see
what they do for a window...
they sell themselves.
They sell themselves.
I think I just made up
for the last eight years.
I don't know your name...
and you don't know my name,
and that's good...
because this
can never happen again.
I hope it does...
but with my husband, not you.
I never had an...
I always knew
that I had it in me.
You just made me feel so...
Whatever you did was just so...
We've got to get up.
I have to go.
You going to wake up,
sleepy head?
Come on. Get up.
Oh, god!
All right.
Wrong key.
Oh, jeez!
This is my fault.
I'm sorry.
I'll get that.
I'm sorry. I'm fine.
No. Wait.
I don't believe this happened.
Look, here's your...
Here's your... things.
Thank you very much.
I'm sorry.
Your personal...
Oh, boy!
I can't believe this day!
Детская ревность Детская ревность

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