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А зори здесь тихие

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Crawl, Comrade Interpreter.
From now on we live on our bellies.
Comrade Sergeant.
Cheer up, Brichkina.
- You remember the way to go back?
- Yes.
- The swamps are the worst.
- Yes, I know.
Wait, Lisaveta, don't hurry.
The tracks are narrow, don't come
off it.
- I'll make it.
- Take a short rest on the island.
Report to Kiryanova that
there's been a change of situation.
Our force won't be enough to cope
with it.
You better leave your weapon here.
Don't forget to take your marsh pole.
- On your way, Lisaveta!
- Shall I leave my ammunition too?
You were right to fall back to here.
Pretty nasty business, girls... pretty
So we've counted sixteen...
They'll be here in around three
hours, as near as I can judge.
I sent Brichkina back to the base.
We can expect them come here
only by the evening.
If we get dragged into a fight,
we won't be able to hold out.
There's no position we could hold
them, for they have 16 machine guns.
So we just sit and watch them walk
We've got to stop them coming along
the crest and force them to go around.
Around Lake Legonte.
Only how?
No, the Germans are not
looking for a fight.
They're taking hidden paths
to keep out of the enemy's way.
They're trying to sneak up on their
objective without being seen.
Maybe we should let them see us
and pretend we haven't seen them?
Then they may decide to take
the Lake Legonte route,
and that's a twenty four hour hike.
So who can I let them see?
Myself and the four of you?
They'll reconnoiter and find out
there's only five of us.
They'll just surround us and finish
off all five with their pig-stickers.
Go ahead, Rita.
Comrade Sergeant, what if
they run into the woodcutters?
What woodcutters? Where? The forests
are empty, there's a war on.
Women do the woodcutting nowadays.
You're right, girls.
That's a brainstorm!
We'll put on a big act, and I know
exactly the place to do it.
Move it, girls, we don't have much
Here come the others!
- Wait, let me carry you.
- Nonsense, I can manage.
You still have that fever.
They're coming, Comrade Sergeant.
- The water's cold.
- Lift your skirt up higher.
That's not a regular order.
Forget military talk for a while.
The Germans have interpreters, too.
You treat me like I'm a kid...
Want a little more medicine?
Don't sit on those cold rocks.
Hurry, girls, get going!
We still have some organizing to do.
It was a great idea with Lisa's scarf.
- A shame to tear it.
- We'll get her another one.
My lingerie came handy.
All she thinks about is showing off.
Cover 'em up now because you'll be
with me. Well, let's begin, girls.
Try to make a lot of smoke. Make
a lot of noise breaking branches.
Only don't stick out too much.
Just keep appearing and disappearing.
Only don't overdo it.
- Praskovya!
- What?
- Take the axe!
- I already did!
Give me a hand!
All right then! And one, and again!
Here we go!
The fire won't catch. It must be damp.
Mine's burning fine!
Once more. All together now! It won't
Once more! More!
- Watch out!
- There she goes!
Lop off the branches, quick!
Praskovya, follow me!
Masha, have you peeled the potatoes?
I can hardly feel my fingers.
Watch out!
Hey, girls! Come and give me a hand!
There she goes!
We called up the mill.
They're sending the trucks along.
When do we eat?
As soon as the potatoes are ready.
Hey, girls!
Be careful, will you?
Take cover behind the trees,
not the bushes.
You can push over this one yourselves.
Komelkova, follow me.
Here, Galka.
Anyuta, give me that axe!
Go get your own axe.
This one's mine and I'm using it.
Girls, bring some dry wood!
Hey, girls, lend a hand!
Perhaps they're gone.
Who can tell? Maybe they are.
They know their business, or they
wouldn't be on one of those missions.
- Shura, help me!
- Wait.
Hold it!
I see.
Come on, push hard! Timber!
It seems to be working.
A patrol.
They made a decision.
They'll cross and our
А зори здесь тихие А зори здесь тихие

Читайте также:
- текст Начало на английском
- текст Агнец божий на английском
- текст Живой на английском
- текст Родители на английском
- текст Остров сокровищ на английском

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