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one thing.
Well, I'd take the buckboard.
She couldn't ride a horse
dressed like she is.
I'd even give him my horse.
I'm still willing
to do him a kindness.
Giving him that horse no kindness.
What's in it for Nervous Elk?
- Scalps.
- Scalps?
- Come now, Many-Sticker John.
- It's Cactus Jack Slade.
Scalps don't put beans on table.
I'll share the woman.
White woman crazy.
They all keep one bullet in gun.
Yeah, I heard that.
By the way, I've been meaning
to ask you...
What do you Indians do when
you capture a white woman?
Nervous Elk not know.
Crazy white woman always shoots self
before me have chance to find out!
All except one.
Who, by mistake...
...shoot Nervous Elk...
...in the jewels.
Yeah, I remember.
For old-time's sake, will you help me?
Me like nearsighted elk
that make love to cactus...
...been stuck before.
We will help.
I knew I could count on my friend.
Thanks, chief.
Now what's the matter with you?
What's wrong?
I wasn't gonna give you away.
Come here. I was just saying that.
See you at the camp.
That man is here to steal money,
isn't he?
And if you help him,
you'll be stealing also.
But you've given your word
to the banker.
- Would you go back on it now?
- Uh-huh.
- What about that white man?
- Piss on the white man.
Listen to those drums!
It's so scary.
Don't worry. They never attack
until daylight.
Thank you.
Know what? He's gonna
set the Indian back 50 years.
I don't know which is worse,
him or those damn drums.
This is the plan of attack.
Go over it with your troops.
- Okay, chief.
- Good brave.
Well, Handsome...
...this is our last night together.
- Yeah.
Tomorrow at this time you'll be home
safe and sound with your daddy.
- I'm not really sleepy, are you?
- Oh, no, I'm wide awake.
What have you got in mind?
- I know what.
- What?
- Want to hear some knock-knock jokes?
- I'll get some wood for the fire.
We attack at dawn.
Chief, why don't we attack now,
when they're off guard?
- Indians never attack till dawn.
- I know, but why?
Because at night, Indians too busy
pounding on those dumb drums!
There they are!
- What are we waiting for?
- It not dawn yet.
Until 6:28 and 45 seconds,
according to almanac.
Chief, you sure your braves
can handle this?
My people greatest light cavalry
ever mount horse!
- I hope so.
- It dawn!
My braves, prepare to mount!
Prepare to mount!
- Chief!
- Set up field hospital!
Count casualties!
Prepare for another attack!
- Prepare for attack!
- Will you shut up?
Chief, I appreciate your help, but...
...it's not gonna work out.
- My word is bond!
Hey, Beaver, any braves still moving?
- Yeah, chief, two.
- Good. Get mounted!
- Get mounted!
- Four of us will continue.
No fear, Porcupine Jack.
You're in good hands.
No, it's Cactus Jack.
Cactus Jack Slade!
Jeez, I'm gonna do it my own way.
- Did anybody see my horse?
- He went thataway.
Thattaboy, Handsome!
Son of a gun!
They're gaining on us. Come on!
Keep them between the ditches!
Yeah, you tell them! Come on, Bumper!
You're looking good! Come on, honey!
- They're getting closer, Handsome.
- I know.
I don't know what got them so mad.
Well, I'll tell you, I don't know.
It could be...
...those knock-knock jokes.
I don't know.
- Really?
- Really.
But I do know we're slowing down.
I think you better go a little
faster, because they're gonna get us.
I can't go any faster.
These horses are really tired.
Well, in a little ways
you're gonna be safe.
- What do you mean, ma'am?
- Trust me.
There it is.
You, back over here...
...where you belong.
- That was pretty close, chief.
- Close not good enough.
Well, braves, back to bead-stringing.
Bye-bye, chief. Maybe next time!
And I got all dressed up for nothing.
On tiptoe.
Excuse me, ma'am?
Isn't it dangerous to have
blasting powder in the
Злодей Злодей

Читайте также:
- текст Бетховен 4 на английском
- текст Петля Ориона на английском
- текст Пастораль на английском
- текст Место встречи изменить нельзя на английском
- текст Экипаж на английском

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