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in, that's it.
All the way in.
Take it. Suck him dry.
That's it baby, you got him now.
God, you're beautiful!
Yeah, that's it baby.
Take that big dick, take it in.
Yeah...oh yes. Yeah.
Take him baby...squeez that tube.
Yeah..e on. Yeah.
Take him, suck it dry.
That's it...That's my bitch!
Yeah...squeez it!
Fucking bitch.
God I love you.
"This is a military file. Do not proceed
without correct security clearence".
"Please select correct combat
system required."
"Biomechanical auto-independent
artificially intelligent lifeform"
"Fairisle Electronics presents it's new model:
The MARK-13."
...widespreed deficiency related diseases
in the inner city.
Elsewere in the news:
Popular support has been swift and loud
for the proposed emergency population
control bill.
The bill would mandate...
It's raining.
I thought it was raining.
God, I wish.
I was dreaming.
I could hear the rain...
on the glass.
And you were laying beside me...
in the dream.
I like it.
Really, I think it's okay.
Where did you get all the babydolls?
Shades found a whole box of them in the streets.
Well I provided the crowning touch, eh?
Did you hear about the new population
bill they are trying to put through?
They are trying to stop people from
having kids in the next few years.
Gonna levy fines against people
that have to many.
Take away their ration coupons.
Sterilize people who already have...
high enough doses of radioactivity.
It will never work.
It's our nature to reproduce.
To live on.
Man has always gone against their nature.
Used to be natural to die of old age before 30.
What are you saying?
You like the idea?
No, I just...think it's stupid and suicidal
and sadistic to have children right now.
Stupid, sadistic and suicidal...
The three S's.
That's how I feel.
That's how you feel, eh?
And what is this?
Somekind statement about all that?
Because if it is, I don't get it.
You know, what's the head supposed to mean anyway?
It doesn't mean anything!
It's...it's not for you.
It's not for anybody.
I guess not. All I'm saying, is that
it be nice if you could sell something
every once in a while, wouldn't it?
Look, I'm doing alright on my own.
I don't need anything from you.
I don't know about that.
Goverment takes a pretty big hunk
out of my paycheck every month.
Where do you think your welfare checks
are coming from, eh?
What do you want me to do?
You want me to join your corps?
Think of what our radioactiv kids
will be like then.
I stopped thinking about kids
a long time ago.
You always say that things will change.
Maybe they will.
Oh yeah they will...they will.
They are going to get worse
before they get better.
Survival of the fittest.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Oh yeah I like that.
And why not? I'm one of the fittest.
Keep asking myself why
I let you in everytime.
Why the fuck do I let you in?
I'll get it.
No, don't answear it!
What are you scared of?
Alvy ?!
I got to see you.
Sorry to call you so late,
but it's important.
Jesus Alvy! Talk to me in
the morning.
No, no no! It has to be now!
I'm talking about big bucks! Savy?
Meet me in the yard in one hour
and bring the MARK-13 with you.
The what?
Oh no...the skull and bones
No way Alvy! Forget it.
Hear me out!
I can't talk on the phone...to many ears.
Meet me in one hour.
MARK-13 project, file number 4371D...
Fairisle Electronics.
"Goverment funding to the MARK-13 project
is currently under suspension"
"due to minor problems with the
prototypes insulation system."
"Currently it's susceptible to high
levels of moisture and humidity."
"Designed primarily for harder terrain, MARK-13
is self-repairing, capable of recharging"
"it's storage batteries from just about any
powergrid, including the sun."
"The MARK-13's strenght lies in its
multifacited combat systems."
"Equipped with electronicly activated
weaponary and
Железяки Железяки

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- текст Анализ крови на английском
- текст Бобик в гостях у Барбоса на английском
- текст Мой друг Иван Лапшин на английском
- текст Курица на ветру на английском

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