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Главная / Земля Санникова

Земля Санникова

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- Calm down.
- We'll give you most beautiful girls...
... No one's going to hurt you...
... But if anyone tries to find the way back he'll find his death.
- Your Excellency, they can't get married.
...Their wives and kids are waiting for them back home...
...I'm single but I've never caught those chicks...
... Besides, I have a vicious temper...
... If something isn't to my liking, you know... I'm a hard hitter and a bad thinker...
- You thoughts are bright as the sun.
- Is she for me?
- Alien, you should get married!
- You, little...
- Your Excellency, may I choose by myself?
- Go ahead.
- We gonna sort it all out.
- You've lost your wisdom, great chief.
You want to keep them alive.
...All right. Let's sacrifice a white deer...
...And we'll see spirits' will...
- What's wrong with you, Ignaty? Such a wonderful girl and you...
- Alexandr Petrovich, I can not feed her. Besides, she is too strong.
- Alien, you're the strongest and the most beautiful in the world.
- Don't know.
- Leave our land. Shaman wants you to die.
- But I must explore your land and know where it ends.
- No. you'll never be able to do it.
- Why?
- The sacred valley of ancestors is located behind the mountains.
...You can't go in there. It's a sacred mystery of our land. If go there you'll get killed.
- What's your name?
- Annueer, will you show me the way?
- Amalon, Amundeb, the water spirits save my people. Tell us what to do...
...If you accept  the deer, we'll send aliens to our ancestors, to the eternal shadowland.
... If you don't accept the deer, they'll live.
- Snakes are slithering on the Onkilon land.
... Spirits told me that they want to sting the deer with their deadly poison...
... They already stroke blind the hawk. Spirits want us to sacrifice aliens.
- Father, don't listen to shaman!
- Aliens brought us a quick fire. I shall follow xenial customs...
...Ancestors' will.
- The great chief loves ancestors.
- And ancestors love the chief.
- They've been waiting for him by their fire for a long time.
- I'll help him to join them.
- Yes!
- Great shaman, aliens stepped into the sacred valley of our ancestors!
-  Bang the big drum!
... Aliens have touched the mystery of our ancestors!..
...I shall lead warriors to the sacred valley. Death to aliens!
- This is the place...
...Long time ago our ancestors found drops of solid yellow fire in this wall...
...They were afraid that its glitter would strike people blind...
... People would see no difference between day and night...
...They tabooed touching these drops...
... Those who had broken the taboo had their eyes dissolved in tears...
... Here they are. Their tears. Do you see them?...
...This salty waterfall will always be here. It washes solid yellow fire drops.
- What's a...
- What's wrong, Ignaty?
- What?
- Gold.
- It's mine! I found it!
...I was crouching my back before Perfil'yev like a bilge rat! For nothing! It's mine!
- What's wrong with you?
- It's mine!
- Don't look at them. The spirits might get angry and you'll get blind.
- What's that?
- Let's run, shaman is calling warriors.
- Don't kill him!. It's my fault!
- I brought him here! Don't kill him!
- Get back!
... Darn!
- Get back to caves!
... Don't mess with me!
- We were coming out and...
- An earthquake!
- Strange silence.
- Alexandr Petrovich, look what happened. The lake has cooled down.
...We were taking boiling water yesterday. Today the water is cold.
- Subsoil thermal conditions were disrupted.
- The oven is out.
- The valley of thousand smokes went out as well.
...You can't cook dinner there any more...
...The earthquake must have disrupted heater of the Sannikov Land...
... Soon there will be an Arctic desert.
- What will happen to the Onkilons?
- Great shaman, chief's son escaped to the mountains. He's  planning something against us.
- Did you bring that woman?
- Yes.
- Aliens killed the chief. They're shaking our land.
Земля Санникова Земля Санникова

Читайте также:
- текст Хищник на английском
- текст Ночь зайца на английском
- текст Подстава на английском
- текст Два весёлых гуся на английском
- текст Баллада о солдате на английском

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