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Зелёный слоник

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.how bad is to eat damn food
how bad everybody feels,
but the worst feels he, green elphant.
So the song goes. I just wanted to perform before you this song...
No, simply i see...
Enough. Let's sleep.
Before sleeping... - No, no need.
Alright, brother, bro... - I want to sleep.
I'm going, too, right away, i just sang to you before...
I want that you wouldn't speak in your sleep.
I sincerely ask you not to speak in your sleep.
You know, bro, everything hurts...
I need to sleep, to lie down a little...
Fall asleep, i beg you, fall asleep.
There's only two of us here-a...
And mother told me...
in some circumstances...you must always have friends...
I want to sleep with my head on this side...
Go on, lie down, bro...
I want to lie down with my head on this side but i don't want to hear your voice...
I'm sleeping, too, i'm sleeping.
I can't sleep on this side, because there's water dripping...
No questions, bro... - Don't talk, i'm asking you.
I'm sleeping, that's all...mother told me one needs to have some friend, any kind of friend...
If you won't fall asleep, i'll set you to sleep.
Go to sleep, go. Sleep, sleep.
...because friends won't help...
...to be on guard all day...them bitches are sleeping, but i...i don't sleep...
What am i? I want, too...fuck...
They're sleeping, but me?
To fuck every one of them! Sleeping bitches! But me?
[repeating previous lines]
Bro! Bro!
I fucking hate it.
How was your sleep? Bro?
You're probably hungry.
Holy shit! Get the fuck out of here!
What's-a happened?
Have you shitted yourself, dumbass?!
No, i didn't poo. I brought you something to eat.
Motherfuckig faggot! What the fuck have you done, dumbass!
What is with you? I brought you to eat.
You've shitted after all, idiot. Take that shit fucking away from here!
I brought you to eat...
What did you bring me to eat! You're dumbass! Why are you smeared with shit, idiot!
I've already eaten, i...
Fucking faggot! Bitch!
Take that shit fucking out of here!
Holy shit! And shitted all over the floor!
I wanted you something to eat...
Fucking idiot! I'll fucking kill you now!
I will fucking kill you now!
I brought you to eat.
You are a faggot.
To eat...
You're crazy, fucking mother.
With whom am i put in one cell...holy shit.
I'm honestly telling, i only wanted to do a good deed for you, i didn't...
Shit? What good deed!
Why did you shit on the plate!
We're eating from it.
Why the fuck did you smear yourself with shit!
I'll fucking kill you!
...my button teared off...
I didn't shit......god deed...
I will kill you now! I will fucking kill you!
Do you realize i'll kill you now?
Step under dripping water and wash yourself, bitch!
Governor! Governor!
This idiot has shitted! Governor!
Step under water so that you were clean!
Did you understand!!!
So that you were clean, bich!
Shitted yoursef, faggot!
Governor! He's shitted himself! Wash him or otherwise i won't be sitting here!
I won't be sitting together with this shit-eater!
Breakfast will go bad...
Go, wash yourself! Wash yourself or i'll kill you!
Go there! So that you, bitch, were clean in five minutes! Or i will
fucking strangle you with my own hands!
Put this plate away and wash yourself!
Put this plate away! I don't need your shit!
Step away! Step away, i said!
Go, wash yourself!
Leave the plate alone and wash yourself!
Put in on the floor! On the fucking floor!
Take it way from me, bitch! Take that shit away!
Wash yourself or i'll kill you right away!
Bitch, dumbass...fucking dumbass!
Step away from me! Step the fuck away from me, i said!
And put plate on the floor! Wash yourself, faggot!
Shitted all over the place.
Such stench!
...i wanted to be friends with you,
we would've eaten....
All smeared with shit!
Keep away from me! Put the plate away!
Get away!
Wash yourself, fucking wash yourself!
Wash your fat fucking belly!
Governor! Get that
Зелёный слоник Зелёный слоник

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