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Зелёный слоник

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was all screaming, and they say: "to hell with him", understand?
They smeared me with shit and made me eat a bit of it.
After that i was transfered to another division...that happened when i was still in quick response unit.
And how was the shit? Tasty?
Shit...so so, you know, like earth.
I wouldn't think that.
Swine eat their shit, and they...their hearts are even transplanted into man.
Did you enjoy the shit?
Well, undertand...they fucking beat me, i had such mood then...
From the way you're telling it, i get the impression you enjoyed the shit.
Well, alright, what's with you...
If you're, as you say, fed up with me, i would simply walk away
but we're sitting here...sitting two of us...
What a dumbass you are, bitch!
We're sitting here...two of us...
Could you shut the fuck up and just sit without saying a goddamn thing?
You can smoke it till the end if you want. Why are you so mad?
If i wanted to smoke i'd ask you "give me fucking cigarette".
I don't want to smoke, i want you to shut up.
Mother just sent me this package...
What have i to do with your mother, for fucks sake!
What have i to do with your cigarettes!
Could you just fucking shut up!
Why are you such an angry man? Guys, just be people...i'm always
telling you that. Why do you always start...
I don't start a fucking thing! I want nothing from you.
I want you to shut up. That's all.
I'm fucking fed up with your stories, i can't hear them anymore.
One story is fucking stupider than other.
About shit, about cum...what are you babbling?
You will have a fucking boner...some fucking bullshit.
Listen, if you want i'll tell you something else, something good...like
how i'm doing my push-ups?
Listen, i can do push-ups once more.
Go on. Start doing it.
Do your fucking push-ups.
Only you don't hit me in the ass...
I won't, i will just watch and receive fucking pleasure.
It's better not to lift up ass when you're doing push-ups...
Go on, bitch! Do your push-ups, bitch!
Wait...one more time...guys, what are you doing?
Be people!
Whom are you adressing in plural? I'm one here.
Come on! Two! Thee!
Be people, guys, we're all...we're all people.
You're crazy, completely crazy.
Your roof has gone off, you understand?
or what are you gonna do?
What story ar you gonna tell me now?
We agreed on checkers...
What checkers? We will play checkers.
Everytime you lose, i'll fucking hit you.
What "you"? Who "you"? We're only two here. I'm one and you.
What fucking checkers? What the fuck are talking about?
On what were you gonna play checkers?
What fucking push-ups are you doing?
Do you undertand you're crazy?
I'm not crazy, he is not crazy, but you are!
Do you want me to tell about winter?
See, bro...
What bro? Do you undertand i'm fucking fed up with you!
That's just good story.
I just simply don't understand to comprehend you!
Just to kill you and bury somewhere, or i don't know what to  fucking do with you.
Can you just shut the hell up!
Or can't you?  Do you know to what condition have you brought me?
I'm losing my mind because of you.
Not because of ???. Not because i'm sitting here, but because of you, bitch.
Alright, be people...
Who are "we"?! Whom are you adressing?
I'm fucking one there!
Who's people? I'm no man anymore, i'm a fucking beast.
Why are you shouting all the time?
Who "we", for motherfucking sake! Who the fucking "we" are shouting!
I'm goddamn alone here!
Do you want [hear] about furuncule...
Yes, i want [to hear] about furuncule, i, too, had such once
fucking big, it looked like a ???, i went to fucking hospital,
but instead of that they fucking cut my leg off, fucking great story, isn't it?
I had an incident once...
And then they sew it back.
Guys tought me...if you're going into hospital...
Wait, wait. Don't you give a fuck that i'm shouting at you, that i could beat the shit out of you?
You simply don't give a fuck, do you?
Why are you so angry people...
Who "
Зелёный слоник Зелёный слоник

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- текст Доктор Детройт на английском
- текст Плутовство на английском
- текст Сестры на английском
- текст Аэроплан II: Продолжение на английском
- текст Снежная королева на английском

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