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gonna check it out.
Okay. Good.
You do that.
l'll stay here and make spooky sounds.
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Where are you, you son of a bitch?
Two ways to kill a vampire.
Good one, Fat Kid.
Excellent question.
Stake through the heart.
- Right.
- What else?
Oh, real good.
- Eugene.
- l wasn't talking. lt was Pete.
Get him a muzzle, will ya?
You guys meet up here a lot, or, uh...
- Every day.
- Do we meet up here a lot?
- Eugene!
- Man!
Eugene, make Pete shut up.
Do you really think
that was a good question?
Rudy! Are you gonna listen
or look out the window?
l told you he didn't want
to be in the club.
Lighten up, Patrick.
No way!
Hey, we're tryin'
to do the test here, you know.
- You're gonna piss him off.
- l'm beginnin' to like this club.
Rudy! Come on.
lt's a monster test.
lt's important. Okay?
Second way to kill a vampire.
- l give up. Daylight.
- Sunlight.
Fat Kid, what other kind of light
is there durin' the day?
- Go away, Pete!
- Okay, question two.
ls Frankenstein
the name of the monster
or the guy who made him?
- The guy.
- Right.
Can't you read?
Mom said you have to let me in the club,
or else it's prescruption.
That's discrimination, jerkoid.
''Prescription'' is drugs,
which you're on if you
think you're gettin' up here.
Come on, Sean!
l know about monsters.
- Come on! Let me in the club!
- Two ways to kill a werewolf.
Silver bullet?
That's it.
Shoot him with a sliver bullet.
Nope. Sorry, Rudy.
Okay, so, what's the other way?
- What?
- Second way to kill a werewolf?
Car crash?
Accident with power tools?
- Old age?
- Falling out a window.
- Onto a bomb!
- Sean! Phoebe! Dinner!
Gotta go.
Wait. Am l in or what?
l mean it, spaz.
You gotta stop it.
Wash up for dinner, guys.
Boring guy, boring guy,
boring guy, boring guy.
What's this, Mom?
Oh, l got that for you today
at Jane Burgess' garage sale.
Says it's from that old house
up on Shadowbrook Road.
Holy shit! Uh, cow.
l'm sorry.
Mom, do you know who wrote this book?
lt's, what, Van Helsing something.
Now, he's the one that fights Godzilla.
Dracula, Mom.
Well, then which is the really tall one?
That's Godzilla.
My God!
Abraham Van Helsing.
This is great!
This is German.
Let it begin.
Hey, slick.
Busy day?
Not really.
- Shoot any crooks today?
- Afraid not.
But l still may if you don't
wash up for dinner.
What's on your mind?
Well, Dad, some of the guys and me
were maybe gonna go see
Groundhog Day Part 1 2 tonight,
only if it's okay with you.
- ls it? Please?
- Oh, we got a problem.
- No way!
- Yes, way.
l gotta go out with your mother tonight.
You got a certain 5-year-old sister
who needs baby-sitting.
Oh, come on, Dad!
l've waited all year to see this movie!
Pal, it's only a movie.
Look, tomorrow night, you and l'll go see
Groundhog Day.
l'll get home early.
Tomorrow night?
That'll be too late!
The guys will blab the entire plot!
What? Did l hear ''plot''?
Sean, it is a guy with an ax.
Anyway, l thought
they killed him in the last one.
They did.
And he returns from his grave.
Returns from the grave?
Sean, he always returns from the grave.
lf they blew him up,
put his head in a blender,
and mailed the rest
of the pieces to Norway,
he would still return from the grave.
That was part seven.
You want to know what the plot is?
The plot separates you from my five bucks.
l want to see a stupid movie.
Well, you can't.
You're baby-sitting.
Fine. Can l have five bucks anyway?
So, where you two goin' tonight?
Marriage counselor.
l thought you quit smoking.
Son, l love you dearly,
but do me a favor.
Put your basic lid on it.
Now, get outta here.
Hello. Yeah?
Officer, please!
Lock me up!
Yeah. l'm a werewolf!
l'm a werewolf!
- Please. Please.
- Hey, Del.
- l know it sounds crazy, but...
- Bad news.
Listen, l gotta go downtown.
Can you reschedule that appointment?
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- текст Начало на английском
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