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Волкодав из рода Серых Псов

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heard such a dreadful sound.
Then they saw some shadows in the mist,
they came nearer and nearer,
Suddenly people began disappearing.
A temple of Morana?
Unlikely. It's a good shelter.
Where have you been, Wolfhound?
I hired a bodyguard for myself, not for Ertan.
I'm sorry, my lady.
You're right. Those who rule are always lonely.
Sister, do you miss Galirad?
If you have to choose...
...your life or Galirad, what would it be?
You know the answer.
And if it was my life or Galirad?
Why do you ask?
My lady, when you go to bed
don't undress and put your armor on.
Put it on. Please!.
Follow me.
Everyone to the temple.
Over here.
Take cover.
Don't be afraid.
Here's a piece of cloth, my lady.
What is it?
This is how Morana's priests call for ghosts.
It is afraid of the fire.
Catch, Wolfhound.
Where are you going?
Ancient Gods, help us, protect us, save us.
I don't ask for myself.
Help us, show your power.
Sister. Louchezar.
Thank Gods, you're alive.
We drove them away.
We saved the carriages and the dowry.
Zhadoba fled.
Send a messenger to the groom.
Tell him to come to meet us.
Give it to the lord himself.
You said the plan would succeed.
It's her bodyguard again.
Maybe you’ve changed your mind?
She sent a messenger to Velimor.
The groom is on his way here.
Do you love your sister?
I raised her.
What about Galirad?
Spare her.
I know you can break the curse another way.
She will die.
Tonight you'll bring me to her.
If she doesn’t die now,
I'll kill her another time.
But Galirad will already be ruled by her groom.
He will be king, not you.
This is juice of a sleeping weed.
Add it to the bodyguard's flask.
A beautiful song.
Slaves in far mountains sing it.
What is it about?
It tells that anyone
can change his fate.
Nobody can change the fate.
Not a slave, not even a king.
The songs tells the opposite.
There was a slave in the mines in Diamond Mountains.
He challenged the most fierce slave-driver
and defeated him.
Then he regained his freedom.
Nobody else managed to do it, just him.
A song was written about him.
Go, the girl calls for you.
This song was about you.
A slave who returned and revenged
the slaughter of his whole tribe.
You killed the Maneater, didn't you?
I did.
A long time ago...
...one of my ancestors...
...defeated Morana the Death.
He locked her heart near the entrance
to the Heaven Gates.
I'm the only keeper of the secret.
This is the reason why
Morana's servants hunt me.
Zhadoba believes...
...that if I die, the curse will be lifted.
The Maneater thought that it was enough
to get the manuscript.
It was the most precious thing in Galirad.
Yes, he stole it from me.
Then the winter came to the city.
My friends have the manuscript.
Your friends?
They have to bring it back.
They must return it to the temple in Galirad.
Only then it will be warm again in the city.
They don't know about it.
They left for the Heaven Gates, to open them.
They won't succeed.
They deciphered the magical words.
In order to open the Heaven Gates
They have to free Morana.
And to accomplish that,
my blood needs to be spilled on the manuscript
I want a son...
...not from the groom
I've never seen in my life...
...I want a son from you, Wolfhound.
Who are you?
I'm the princess' bodyguard.
Where's my bride?
My lord!
My lord.
This is the dog, that killed your father.
Lord Vinitary known as Maneater,
was my father.
You killed him.
Defend yourself.
The maid.
...took her to the Locking Mountains
Louchezar and Zhadoba.
They will...
...sacrifice her to ... Morana
Where were you, Wolfhound?
She ... she called for you.
...she called...
Don't shoot
He'll lead us to her.
What is it?
Come on, where are you.
Help me
Волкодав из рода Серых Псов Волкодав из рода Серых Псов

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