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Тот самый Мюнгхаузен

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that the calendar indicates?
- How could I?
- Yes, you can, my dear! You can.
You are no better then the rest!
I'll be quite frank with you:
I am not happy with a lot of things,
I don't agree with a lot of things.
Yes, yes! ln particular
I am not happy with our calendar.
And not for the first year.
But I won't let myself
do anything rush!
One must know how to
chose the right moment.
- But I told the truth.
- Damn the truth!
Sometimes a lie is necessary.
You understand, a lie.
My God!
Just think of it! I have to explain these
Self-evident things to Baron Munchhausen.
You'll drive me mad! Really.
Do you think so too?..
No, don't say a word!
I'll do it myself.
All right. Good.
Let it be your way.
What shall I do now?
Well? Are you going to keep silent?
I am tired of explaining the same
thing over and over again.
I was naive enough to believe
that an extra Spring day...
One more sunset, one more sunrise.
Midday at last.
No, no, let's leave midday as it is.
Whether we like it or not, there is
a certain order of things:
...one day comes after another.
We can't change the passage of time.
- That's not good.
- That's unacceptable!
People won't know holidays
from week-days any more.
Worst of all, my dear,
parishioners won't know for sure
when it is Christmas and when Easter.
They will be at a loss what to put on.
A business frock-coat or
a holiday dinner jacket?
Mr. Judge, your highness,
The baron has realized his mistake.
Yes, of course he spoke without
proper thinking. Now he is sorry!
So you are prepared to acknowledge
that today is the 1st of June?
Be it even the 10th.
Not the 10th but the 1st.
And don't do favours to us.
So what date is it today?
The 1st.
Louder, please. For everybody.
The 1st.
Now! You see how simple it is.
Baron, you are a reasonable man.
I have always liked you.
I respected you way of thought.
Free shoulder line, tight trousers.
You could become an example
for the youth.
They need one badly.
If you could only find
peace with yourself
I am sure our dear pastor
There he is! He was wise
to stay behind.
He will wed you and your beloved.
Won't you, father? Won't you?
I will, but on one condition:
the baron must disavow everything.
- Everything? - Yes, yes, every one
of your unholy fantasies.
You must acknowledge
that they are all lies!
I insist that it be done in writing.
- In writing? - Yes. You lied in writing
and you must disavow in writing.
It should be an official document.
"I baron such and such state
that I am a common man"
"That I didn't fly to the Moon,
...didn't pull myself by the hair out of
the bog, didn't ride on cannon-balls".
"Did not let fried ducks loose"
"Did not grow a cherry tree
on the deer's head"
Yes, yes. And thus on every point.
And also in family life, baron,
let's do away with fantasies.
Yes, yes, yes. Let's do away
with fantasies.
Everything remains the same
only no fantasies.
All right. I will sign everything.
Since nobody needs a new day,
let it be your way.
That's good. And don't look
so tragic, my dear.
Take it with your traditional
sense of humour.
After all, Galileo disavowed
his ideas too.
That's why I always preferred
Giordano Bruno.
Well, well. Don't complicate matters.
Baron, you still can secretly believe.
I can't do anything secretly.
I can do things only openly.
Well, well...
My dear!
"I, Baron Munchhausen,
am a common man".
Sounds like the first lines
of a romance.
"I never flew to the Moon".
All right. I didn't.
my dear friends, if you only
knew how beautiful it is.
White mountains and red stones
in the rays of sunset.
All right. I didn't ride
the cannon-ball either
in that terrible battle with the Turks
when half of my regiment perished.
They drove us into the damned mire,
but we held out!
We held out and struck at the flanks.
At that moment my horse took
a false step and began to drown.
Then I grabbed my
Тот самый Мюнгхаузен Тот самый Мюнгхаузен

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