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Главная / Том Джонс

Том Джонс

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I'll speak to her.
Tom, you are kind to me.
Miss Western's maid!
Sophie Western! Miss Western!
Why, Tom Jones!
I've brought you a thrush.
He's beautiful, Tom. How kind of you.
Two years is a long time. Did they teach
you London ways, make a lady of you?
Most of the time I was in France.
My aunt took me there.
- Did you like France, Meez Western?
- Mais oui. Je me suis trиs bien amusйe.
- Ah, bon.
- You haven't changed, Tom.
You've grown, Sophie.
Grown more beautiful than ever.
Doesn't he sing beautifully?
I shall teach him some new songs.
I doubt if an English bird
can learn French songs.
You'll see.
Sur le pont d'Avignon...
We're asked to supper. I came early to ask
if you'd help Black George's daughter.
Oh, yes. He stole a sheep, didn't he?
Black George is a poor man.
With big, hungry daughters to feed.
Most hungry - I can vouch for it.
I have a maid already.
But I'll see what I can do.
Good, good.
Ah! Welcome, neighbours! Welcome!
- How nice to see you.
- Welcome, madam. Welcome, Squire.
Good day, Western, good day.
- Look! Tom brought me a thrush!
- What a sweet little bird!
His song is sweeter
than any tune of Mr Handel's.
Ugh, Handel!
Tom, thank you.
Welcome home, Sophie.
How lovely you're looking, child.
Aye, it's good to have her home.
Let's all go in to dinner.
- Oh dear.
- Oh, my little bird!
Don't worry, Sophie,
I'll get it back for you.
- Tom...
- Good lad, Tom.
Be careful, Tom! Tom, take care!
- I'll wager he gets it.
- Take care.
I am sorry to cause you this distress,
Miss Western.
I did not think the bird would fly away.
But I cannot help observing
that the idea of caged birds
is against the laws of nature.
Don't you agree, Mr Square?
He's got him!
He'll drown! Quick, pick him up!
Help him, someone!
- Oh, Tom, you're soaked!
- Come on, lad, give me your hand.
Damn me if I won't love the boy for this
as long as I have to live!
Serves him right.
And you, sir.
The weeks passed...
and Molly grew apace too.
Ah, you lazy slut, you!
Look at her, with that great belly on her!
That I should have lived to see this day!
You'd better have minded what the parson
said and not harkened after menfolks.
She's the first of this family to be a whore!
Mother, you yourself was brought to bed
with sister there a week after you married.
Ah, but I were made an honest woman of.
But you, you have to be doing with
gentlemen, don't you, you nasty slut, you!
You will have a bastard!
And I defy anybody to say that of me.
- My gentlemen'll look after me.
- Your gentlemen! Far from gentlemen!
You lay off me, or I'll tell my gentlemen...
(all shout at once)
...if these be constantly applied,
- (snoring)
And then, though we cannot
absolutely promise success,
yet we may properly say with the apostle
"What knowest thou, O wife,
whether thou shalt save thy husband?"
And now, my dear brethren,
let us sing together the hymn
"O God, Our Help in Ages Past."
(organ plays)
O God, our help in ages past
Our hope for years to come...
"Let dogs delight to bark and bite,
For God hath made them so. "
"Let bears and lions growl and fight,
For 'tis their nature too. "
"But, ladies, you should never let
Such angry passions rise. "
"Your little hands were never made
To tear each other's eyes. "
There she is! Let's get at her!
Let's thrash her!
Don't want the likes of her in this village!
Won't have her mixing with us good folk!
Take that, you hussy!
I'll get you, Goody Brown,
you dirty old harridan!
Oh, Tom... Please, Tom...
Don't... Don't leave me, Tom.
(Tom soothes her)
Slowly. Slowly.
(woman spits)
That filthy slut.
Ah, good boy, good boy!
He's a game lad, your Tom.
So, the wench is having a bastard?
Yes. It seems the girl has refused
to name the father to Mr Allworthy.
He may have to
Том Джонс Том Джонс

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- текст Родина ждёт на английском

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