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Главная / Том Джонс

Том Джонс

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avoiding me.
I should scold you.
But I don't think I intend to.
- Shh! There is a lady...
- A lady? One of your ladies, I suppose.
- Where is she?
- Uh-uh-uh-uh...
There is a lady in the next room...
a-dying, madam.
What scheme have you and Sophie
been plotting behind my back?
- Madam, I don't understand.
- Answer me one question:
Have you not betrayed my honour to her?
Am I neglected,
slighted for a country girl,
for an idiot?
Neglected, madam?
(door closes)
"I charge you not to think of visiting
again", Sophie desperately wrote to Tom.
"The truth will certainly be discovered."
"Something favourable
perhaps may happen. "
"Until then, we must be patient."
Courage, mon vieux.
Lord Fellamar is one of the most
gallant young fellows about town.
Make love to you, indeed!
I only wish he would.
You would be mad to refuse him.
- Then I shall most certainly be mad.
- (knock at door)
Madam. Miss Western
is hardly encouraging.
My dear lord, you certainly need a cordial.
Fie upon it. Have more resolution.
Are you frightened by the word "rape"?
All women love a man of spirit.
Remember the story of the Sabine ladies.
I believe they made tolerably
good wives afterwards.
Come this evening at nine.
I will see she is alone.
Oh, I am so entangled with this woman
that I don't know how to extricate myself.
- I know. Propose marriage to her.
- To Lady Bellaston?!
Aye. Propose marriage to her
and she'll call it off in a moment.
You've not a penny, and she'll think
you're marrying her for her wealth.
It's very convincing for a man
in your desperate situation.
But what if she took me at my word?
Then I'm caught in my own trap.
I promise you she won't.
She'll be the one to break it off.
- Lord Fellamar.
- Miss Western, it is I.
- I fear I break in upon you abruptly.
- Indeed, my lord, I am a little surprised.
Love... Love has deprived me
of all reason.
My lord, I neither understand
your words nor your behaviour.
You're the most adorable,
most divine creature.
I do assure you, my lord,
I shall not wait to hear any more.
If I were master of the world,
I would lay it at your feet!
My lord, I beg you to stop.
Let go my hand.
I will never see you again.
Then, madam, we must make
the best use of this moment.
What do you mean?
I have no fear but of losing you, madam!
Where is she?
Damn me if I won't unkennel her now!
Oh, Father!
- Your father?
- Yes. And who in hell are you?
I, sir, am Lord Fellamar,
the happy man whom I hope
you will accept as your son-in-law.
You're a son of a whore,
for all your fancy falderals!
- I resent your tone, sir.
- Resent, me arse!
I'll teach you to father-in-law me!
Father, put me down!
Put me down, Father!
"Dearest madam,"
Tom had carefully written,
"I am extremely concerned for fear
your reputation should be exposed. "
"There is only one way to secure it -
that you bestow on me the legal right
to call you mine for ever. Thomas Jones. "
Understand this: I shall not receive
Mr Jones if he calls here again.
In London, love and scandal are
considered the best sweeteners of tea.
I do not doubt that my niece will welcome
the favours of a man like Lord Fellamar.
This Blifil is a hideous kind of fellow.
But, as you know, Bell,
all country gentlemen are.
I don't then wonder at Sophie's
infatuation for this Jones creature.
He's an agreeable fellow to look at.
Miss Western, will you believe me
when I tell you
that he has the audacity
to make love to me?
Oh, these men!
I would've torn the eyes out of a prince if
he had attempted such freedoms with me!
Indeed, he's even gone so far
as to propose marriage to me.
With your leave, Bell,
I will show this to my niece.
Apply it to what
Том Джонс Том Джонс

Читайте также:
- текст 12 на английском
- текст Тайна на английском
- текст Достать коротышку на английском
- текст Пропавший без вести 2: Начало на английском
- текст Окраина на английском

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