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even born when l was in prison.
Been on the front five times.
Last night you said ''four''.
You bitch, have you decided
to count all my terms?
Turns out, whatever you try your hand at they
grab your sorry ass and throw you in a slammer.
A real made
You a Jew or an Armenian?
-A bit of both.
-Cut it out, Studer!
-Shut up, filthy dogs. What, are you
tired of living?
-And you, dirty Jew, answer me,
are you circumcised or not?
-Why don't you come take a look?
Take it out, take it out you uncut Jew.
l'll return you to the real Hasidic tradition.
wait a minute...
Tough son of a bitch.
What are you standing around for,
get him out of here!
Thank you..
Why are you standing around?
Take him to the infirmary,
say that Vova Studer slipped...
on a rock, hit his head.
Take the rope off, idiots!
Still smoking?
Can't even breathe at this altitude, swine..Are you really a Jew?
l call myself a Moldavian for safety.
Here, hold on to it.
Give me you hand.
Climb up!. Come on, Cot,
come on.
Go! Go! Go!
-You are ok?
-l can't hear anything!
-His ears are bleeding!
-That's ok, it happens. They'll bleed
for a bit and then they'll stop.
-Prince, how about you?
Yeah, seems like it. Only...
l dropped the crank, what happens now?
...what happens now?
-We'll shoot you.
-How are you, though?
-l think l'm whole.
Why is it, Prince, you're never sure:
''l think, maybe so''?
Well, now, Anton Viachslavich, is a time when
you can never be completely sure.
-Ayoung bandit philosopher,
that's something new!
we'll considerthe task of blocking the
path done. We'll analyze mistakes back at camp.
lnstructors will explain the mistakes.
That's it for now, everyone relax!
Hurry up, Tiapa, Cot,
Studer, Babai, Gulmas,
-So, let's ride?
We're flying, Rabbit.
-So, you scared?
-Helmets on!
Get up, move out,
get ready! Go, go,
go, go!
go, go!
Who's the packer?
Who packed the parachutes?
- packed them
-Look, his line is broken.
-Here it is!
Who thought of bending the pin like this!?
Check if there's anything on the boy linking
him to the school
then bury him,
overthere by the far guard post,
we won't carry him back up.
Yes sir! Right face, march!
Who did this?
Studer, you filthy bitch
You bent the pins, fucking bastard!
-You bent the pins, fucking bastard!
-Calm down! Enough.
-Oh Maestro...
-he was such a great guy, you fucking killer!
-Yeah, me.
l lost at cards to him last month,
and you know how card debt goes to a thief.
-You little bitch...
-Anton Viacheslavovich, don't do it.
Everyone get changed, get in the cars.
Left face, march.
What should be do with the one who lost?
Nothing. Bury him too.
What do you mean, bury? He's still alive
Your problem, my responsibility.
Bury him.
You have no right without a trial, l'm a minor!
Hey Tiapa, you're a real bitch.
Why should l, an old sick man,
have to clean the weapons instead of
a young buck like you?
Pasha, how are you an old sick man!?
-No way, Cot, did you hear him?
-Shut up,
Last time your sub-machine gun
was covered with soot!
And your pistol is filthy!?
And what if it jams?
And what if you need it?
And this could happen at any second,
you understand me?
-Sorry Pasha, l won't do it again, l swear..
-You're lying, and you know why you lie?
-Because you've got wind in yourfield
and smoke up your ass.
-Pasha, why was Anton summoned down?
Don't know:
-Was it because of the problems at the airfield?
-So how do you know that it wasn't
because of that? You're lying, Pasha.
-You're lying, and you know why you lie?
-The less you know the longer you'll live,
You think?
The base ''Geflugelhoff'' - ''Birds' Yard.''
Runs underground for several kilometers,
elevation about two thousand meters.
Well protected above by ice cliffs.
All the entrances below are well guarded.
Сволочи Сволочи

Читайте также:
- текст Друзья - Сезон 9 на английском
- текст Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки на английском
- текст Перевал на английском
- текст На лоне природы на английском
- текст Берегись автомобиля на английском

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