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fucking defender
of all things white?
We're talking about a white man
who shot three black men.
And you're arguing with me that maybe
we're not being fair to him?
You know what? Maybe you're right.
Maybe Lewis did provoke this.
And maybe he got exactly
what was coming to him.
Or maybe stoned or not,
just being a black man in the Valley
was enough to get him killed.
There was no one there to see who shot first,
so there is no way to know.
Which means we
could get this wrong.
Maybe that's what happened with
your brother. Maybe we got it wrong.
Maybe Lewis isn't the only one
who deserves the benefit of the doubt.
You're the one closest to all this.
You need to tell us.
What does your gut tell you?
So? Graham?
What do I tell 'em?
You tell me, and I'll tell them.
Well, I think given
Detective Conklin's history,
it's pretty clear
what happened last night.
Before I get to why we're here,
I know that many of you have heard
we had our car stolen last night.
And as you could imagine, my wife and I
are both pretty shaken up.
But we're okay.
And Jean and I truly appreciate all your calls
and your concern. Thank you.
Now, just after 9:00 p. m. Last night,
Detective William Lewis,
an eight-year veteran of the force
and an active member of the black community,
was gunned down
by a fellow officer.
Get outta the car!
Gimme the keys!
Get out... What the fuck?
Whoa! What the fuck
are you doing, man?
Shit! You wanna get killed, nigger?
Say that again!
- Say that again!
- You stupid motherfucker!
Say it again, huh!
Call me a nigger again!
- Man, what the fuck? Get off!
- Fuck you!
- Shoot him!
- I'll blow your head off!
- Shoot this motherfucker!
- I swear to God, I'm gonna blow your head off!
Stop talkin' and shoot!
- Stop! Let's go! Here comes the po-po.
- Get off of me!
Hey, hey! Where you goin', man? Hell, no!
- Oh, shit.
- Anthony! Anthony!
Get the fuck outta my car!
Shit! Damn!
- What are you doin', man? Get outta the car!
- Fuck you!
Car 25 in pursuit of a black Navigator.
West bound.
I will blow you away!
Get the fuck out of the car!
Go on! Shoot me then!
2-2 Ida Tom Adam 3...
Oh, Christ!
- Get the fuck outta the car!
- You get the fuck outta the car!
- Get outta the fucking car!
- It's my fucking car!
- It's my fucking gun!
- Fuck, it's my gun now!
Gimme my fucking gun!
Hands in plain sight!
Step out of the vehicle!
Hands in plain sight!
Step out of the vehicle!
Slowly step out of the vehicle.
- Get out of my car.
- You so brave, you get outta the car, man.
Turn off the engine.
Throw the keys out the window.
You fucking want me?
Here I am, you pig fuck!
Lie face down on the ground.
- Spread your arms and legs.
- No, you lie face down!
Don't come any closer!
Down on your knees!
Fuck you! What are you gonna do?
Pull the fucking trigger!
On your knees now!
You get on your knees
and suck my fucking dick!
Do I look like
I'm fucking joking with you?
That's what you look like,
a fucking joke to me.
- This man is making threatening gestures.
- Threatening gestures?
You wanna see a threatening gesture?
I got a threatening gesture.
- I know this man! I know this man!
- Get back.
- Give me some space. I know this guy.
- Get outta the way.
Step away.
Give me some goddamn room.
I know this guy.
- Man, don't walk up on me!
- See what's happening here?
Do you wanna die here, huh?
Is that what you want?
'Cause these guys
really wanna shoot you.
And the way you're acting,
they'll be completely fucking justified.
Fuck you!
Fuck me? I'm not the one who's fucked here.
You're the one.
'Cause you're the one
whose head's gonna be blown off!
Officer Hanson, step away.
He's a friend of mine, okay? He's a fucking
friend! This man is not armed!
He's not gonna shoot you, me,
or anybody else, all right?
So give me two goddamn seconds.
Can you do that?
Lower your firearm.
Lower your firearm!
You startin' to
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Читайте также:
- текст Украинская рапсодия на английском
- текст Отступники на английском
- текст Мой телохранитель на английском
- текст Наваждение на английском
- текст Миссис Минивер на английском

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