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On what?.
None of your business.
They called me on it! I can
get killed over this, understand?.
Where's my money gone?.
Sakura, did you take it?.
Yeah, I took it.
What for?. We have to go to the city
tomorrow for treatment.
Treat him for what?.
He turned out to be the smartest.
Now you can save for the funeral.
What funeral?.
The hell with you, you jerk!
Choke on the money!
It's my fault.
We need to pay them off
or they will tear us apart.
I know how to get money.
There's one job. We can take a lot
of money. There'll be enough for us.
But I need your help.
We are friends,
- aren't we?.
- Fifty-fifty.
You'll go to the counter, show them
the gun, and say "Money". Got it?.
Repeat what you have to do.
And why don't you go yourself?.
I'll wait for you here. You're sick.
You won't get anything for it.
- But they'd put me behind the bars.
- How much should I take?.
Take everything. Don't be a pussy!
Go, go, go on!
#Currency Exchange#
Give me the money!
He's got no money left.
- How much is here?.
- I don't know.
- Should I count it?.
- There's no time.
Quiet. Understand?.
You'll hitch a ride home.
Where's the gun?.
I forgot it on the counter.
Should we go back?.
Give me the money.
I need to take it right now.
Hey, leave them. I love apples.
Where's my share?.
What share?.
But we've got a fifty-fifty...
Forget about fifty-fifty.
And forget about me.
Go home. You need to get treatment.
It was fair. Fifty-fifty.
Say hi to your mother.
You know how good
it is on the water.
- How are you doing?.
- Good.
Is Zina home?.
And how are you doing?.
Not bad.
Bring me a notebook and a pen.
Did you take your pills?.
No, I ran out of them.
Zina, give half to my mother.
Your friend, S.
Will you stay with me?.
No, I have things to do.
You'll give Zina money
at the first snowfall.
And when will the snow fall?.
I don't know.
You'll see for yourself.
Sometimes the snow doesn't fall
for a long time.
And tell her not to move away
for now.
Well, bye.
I didn't say anything in court.
They pronounced me normal
and gave me 6 years.
Mother sold the house
and moved to the city.
She visited me in prison
now and then.
There was nothing from Zina.
I didn't know what happened to them.
Then I got lucky. They let me out
on amnesty before my time was up.

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- текст Бобик в гостях у Барбоса на английском
- текст Чернокнижник III: Конец невинности на английском
- текст Конец Вечности на английском
- текст Преступление и наказание на английском
- текст Небо. Самолет. Девушка. на английском

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