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Русский ковчег

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to him.
Otherwise he will be offended.
Sir! He can't hear me.
But I'll see him later.
Wouldn't it be nice to jump about like that?
You know...
Aristarkh Konstantinovich
is being sent to Africa.
What a tiger! He could eat anyone!
Your mother has trained the servants well.
Don't be shy! You are doing very well.
The most important for the mazurka is....
You are doing great.
Thank you.
Saint Petersburg has the best balls
in Europe.
Everyone is so easygoing.
Like one big family.
There must be over 3,000 people.
Maybe less.
I've forgotten everything!
I dance so poorly! I've forgotten everything!
But it's all coming back to me!
Good, very good!
Bravo! More! More!
Where were you? I lost you.
I'm here.
I lost you.
I'm sad.
Let's go.
To where?
Where? Forward.
What will we find over there?
Over there? I don't know.
I'm staying.
Farewell, Europe.
It's over.
You might say I grew up here.
But I'm not quite myself.
It's as if I were in someone else's house.
Listen up! Look here!
Poor man, your lady has gone away!
-Flown away like a bird!
In a flash!
Shall we dine together?
I'II wait downstairs. Bring up the coach.
Have our coats brought up.
And don't lose them!
When we return to Kursk,
we must organize a ball.
Just before lent, for example.
I think we should invite your nephew
as well as Varenka. Let him see.
It feels like we're floating.
It seems all this is but a dream.
But you have found her!
Nothing has happened!
Let me pass!
Sir, sir....
It's a pity you're not here with me.
You would understand everything.
The sea is all around.
We are destined to sail forever.
To live forever.
Adaptation: Richard Lormand
Subtitles: L.VT.
- Paris and SUBS - HamburgRUSSIAN ARK
I open my eyes and I see nothing.
I only remember there was some accident.
Everyone ran for safety as best they could.
I just can't remember what happened to me.
How strange. Where am I?
Marie, I must tell you something.
Judging by the clothes,
this must be the 1800s.
Where are they rushing to?
What if we are denied entry?
I've never been so frightened!
Don't forget, the girl in white is mine.
Where are you all going?
It's cold! CIose the doors!
Move ahead!
I went Iooking for the right way to go.
Those officers don't know the way.
Can it be that I'm invisible?
Or have I simply gone unnoticed?
Can it be? Has all this been staged for me?
Am I expected to play a role?
What kind of play is this?
Let's hope it's not a tragedy.
What does it all mean?
-Where should we go?
-Maybe here?
No, it's there.
That man in black.... He wanders about, too.
He nods to me but goes away.
Pardon me for speaking
before we've been properly introduced.
What city is this?
What city? Well, everyone speaks Russian.
I so hoped this was Chambord
during the Directoire period.
-What Ianguage are we speaking?
How strange! I never knew Russian before.
What are they doing in there?
Shall we enter?
-Where? There?
-Yes, something is going on.
No, I have to find out
what on earth I am doing here.
These wanderings about,
this knowing Russian....
I want to Ieave.
Your curiosity is not amusing.
Could all this be theatre?
Our paths must part.
You have answered all my questions.
-Farewell then.
-Where does this door Iead to?
What a pity.
We will never meet again.
He was obviously a foreigner.
Why would he be so rude otherwise?
It's best...
not to get involved in this.
Let's not disturb them.
In any case, it's much too late.
Sir, sir! I'm here.
My Russian cicerone! Do you know the way?
-Yes, let's go together.
-This is your country.
Yes, but not my century.
How did I come to be here?
I think I saw Peter the Great.
I hear delight in your voice.
Was it interesting?
Yes, very interesting.
In Asia, tyrants are adored.
The more terrible the tyrant,
the more his memory is
Русский ковчег Русский ковчег

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