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Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища агры

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15  
You will see all.
There is something else to tell you.
For weeks and for months we dug
and delved in every part of the
without discovering
the treasure's whereabouts.
We could judge the splendor
of the missing riches by the chaplet.
I could persuade him to let me
find out Miss Morstan's address
and send her a detached pearl
at fixed intervals
so that at least
she might never feel destitute.
It was a kindly thought.
It was extremely good of you.
Yesterday, however, I learned that
an event of extreme importance has
The treasure has been discovered.
I instantly communicated with Miss
Morstan. It remains to drive out to
and demand our share.
I explained my views
last night to Brother Bartholomew,
so we shall be expected,
if not welcome, visitors.
We had best put
the matter through without delay.
Bartholomew is a clever fellow.
How do you think he found out
where the treasure was?
The height of the building
was seventy-four feet.
but on adding together the heights
of all the separate rooms
and making every allowance
for the space between,
which he ascertained by borings,
he could not bring
the total to more than seventy feet.
There were four feet unaccounted
He knocked a hole, therefore,
in the lath and plaster ceiling
of the highest room,
and there, sure enough, he came
upon another little garret above it.
In the centre stood the
treasure-chest resting upon two
He computes the value of the jewels
at not less than half a million
Miss Morstan, could we secure her
would change from a needy
governess to the richest heiress in
- Who is there?
- It is I, McMurdo.
- Who is there?
- It is I, McMurdo.
You surely know my voice by this
That you, Mr. Thaddeus?
But who are the others?
I had no orders
about them from the master.
McMurdo, you surprise me!
I told my brother last night
that I should bring some friends.
He hasn’t been out o' his rooms
You know very well
that I must stick to regulations.
I can let you in, but your friends--
This is too bad of you, McMurdo!
There is the young lady.
She cannot wait
on the public road at this hour.
Very sorry, Mr. Thaddeus.
Folk may be friends o' yours,
and yet no friend o' the master's.
He pays me well to do my duty,
and my duty I'll do.
I don't know none o' your friends.
Oh, yes you do, McMurdo.
Don't you remember that amateur
who fought three rounds with you at
Alison's rooms
on the night
of your benefit four years back?
Not Mr. Sherlock Holmes!
How could I have mistook you?
If you had just given me that
cross-hit of yours under the jaw, I'd
ha' known you.
You're one
that has wasted your gifts, you
You see, Watson, if all else fails me,
I have still one
of the scientific professions open to
And what is
your profession, mister Holmes?
I have many of them.
Very sorry, Mr. Thaddeus,
but orders are very strict.
Had to be certain
of your friends before I let them in.
I cannot understand it.
There must be some mistake.
I distinctly told Bartholomew
that we should be here.
Do you see that window?
That is his window,
and there is no light there.
And whose windows are downstairs?
That is the housekeeper's room.
Mrs. Bernstone can tell us all about
Perhaps you would not mind
waiting here for a minute or two.
If we all go in together, and she
has had no word of our coming,
she may be alarmed.
What is that?
It is Mrs. Bernstone.
She is the only woman in the house.
Wait for me.
Mr. Thaddeus, sir,
I am so glad you have come!
I am so glad you have come!
What a strange place!
It looks as though all the moles
in England had been let loose in it.
It looks like a gold mine.
They were six years
looking for treasure.
There is something
amiss with Bartholomew!
- God bless your sweet, calm face!
- What has happened?
He often likes to be alone.
Mr. Thaddeus, you must go up
Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища агры Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища агры

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