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Главная / Одинокий волк Маккуэйд

Одинокий волк Маккуэйд

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13  
Please, please. I'm more than willing
to help you retrieve your loved one,
providing, of course,
that you return the favour.
What's your deal?
I will tell you precisely where
you can find Mr Wilkes and your daughter.
However, in return I would like
certain assets of mine protected.
I wish to claim what is mine.
Anything. Please.
- Hey, partner. Where you headed?
- Mexico.
- Mexico? What the hell for?
- They got my daughter.
- Hold on. I'm comin'.
- It's not your fight.
Hey, Ranger!
You're in no shape to do this alone!
Dinero, por favor. Dinero, por favor.
Gracias. Muchas gracias.
- Se lo lleno, senor?
- Sн.
Vaya con Dios. God protect you.
They are wishing you well.
You didn't think
I'd miss all the fun, did you?
- A new toy, huh?
- Just a little surprise.
You gotta be kidding.
Hey. You guys remember me?
How we gonna
smuggle him back to Texas?
That's your problem.
Can you make it?
I didn't come this far
just to drop dead on the trail, did I?
It's all downhill from here on.
We split up from here. Stick to the plan.
- Right.
- Good luck.
Hello, Sally. How you doing?
What does he want from me?
Why is he keeping me here?
Daddy! Daddy!
I'm so happy you're alive.
Where do you think you're going, dude?
- Let's go. It's gonna get rough round here.
- McQuade.
Get that crap off.
Let's get out of here.
Sally! Sally!
Remember me, greaser?
Yeah. I never forget an asshole.
Stay here.
Oh, shit.
Come on. Come on.
Damn! I knew I forgot something.
Welcome to my hacienda, Mr McQuade.
How nice of you to pay a social visit.
Come on.
- Daddy!
- No! Sally! Sally!
No! Stop it!
Sally! Sally...
Are you all right, honey?
Gimme that gun.
- McQuade!
- Rawley! No!
Come on.
I didn't betray you.
Rawley killed my husband
and forced me to be his partner.
I had no choice. He would have killed me.
I love you.
Hey, McQuade!
My arsenal! My investments!
What have you done?
Don't move, don't talk,
and everything will be just fine.
We made a deal, McQuade.
You made the deal, shorty. Not me.
You wanna try for three?
McQuade, wait. Wait!
You can't leave me here.
What about the Federales?
- You know how to fly this thing?
- I sure as hell don't. But he does.
You can't leave me! McQuade!
Wait! McQuade!
That's my chopper!
McQuade, come back here!
McQuade! That's my chopper! McQuade!
Can we print the comment that you made
about your daring rescue?
And the FBI credits
the Texas Rangers with the rescue?
- Absolutely correct.
- Can I have another picture?
Why not?
Ranger, you feel up to a picture?
Ladies and gentlemen, I wanna say it's
a pleasure having this man on my team.
I feel responsible for every move he's
made. After all, I taught him all he knows.
- He has style. The best always have style.
- Bullshit.
- Dad!
- That's my girl.
I can't wait to show you our new house.
Come on, let's go.
- Hi, Jim.
- Hi, Molly.
Gimme a hug. I really
appreciate your helping us move.
- My pleasure.
- Come on, let's go.
Oh, boy. Here we go.
Ranger, we got a 10-31 in progress
at the Texas National Bank.
- I'm on vacation.
- They've got hostages.
- We really need you, Ranger.
- Comin', Jim?
Are you comin'?
See you later. Let's go.
JJ McQuade, you'll never change!
Oh, hell.
Visiontext Subtitles: Rob Colling
Одинокий волк Маккуэйд

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