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down, Ethan.
Man down.
Ethan, stay where you are.
I'm coming to you.
The package is out in the open.
he's in the open.
En route.
Jim, he's in the open.
Jim, the package is in the open.
- I've got a shadow.
- Can you lose him?
No. Abort.
Ethan, he's out of pocket.
I can't do that.
We're being ambushed, Ethan. Abort.
That's an order.
Negative. Golitsyn is on the move.
No, damn it! No! I said abort!
Sarah, eye on the package.
Jim, I'm coming to you.
Jim gave an abort.
We should walk away.
No. We are going to recover that disk.
You understand me?
Now, go.
Where are you?
About 200 yards from the bridge.
They're covering this frequency.
Cut all radio communication.
Repeat. Cut all radio communication.
Sarah, abort.
Repeat, abort.
Do you read me?
Sarah? God!
Claire. Oh, my God.
My God.
Oh, no. Sarah.
My God.
Satcom seven.
- Central Europe, unsecured.
- Designator?
- Bravo-echo-one-one.
- Switching.
- This is Kittridge.
- Go secure.
Okay, go ahead.
This is Ethan Hunt. They're dead.
What? Who's dead?
- My team. My team is dead!
- Jesus.
Golitsyn's gone.
They knew we were coming, man.
They knew we were coming,
and the disk is gone.
Are you intact?
The disk is gone, did you...
Do you read me? The list is in the open!
Listen, I read you.
Let's just bring you in safely
and then we'll worry about that, okay?
Were you followed?
- I don't think so. I don't think so.
- Don't think. Be sure.
- Are you clean?
- Yes.
Okay. Location green, one hour.
I'll be there myself.
- You're in Prague?
- One hour.
I am...
I can't tell you how sorry I am.
I know how much Jim,
in particular, meant to you, Ethan...
personally as well as professionally.
Here's a passport, visa. Usual drill.
We'll work the exfiltration
through Canada, debrief you at Langley.
Throw the Prague police a bone or two.
You know, toss them a few suspects.
You follow me?
Yeah, I follow.
I think we've lost enough agents
for one night.
You mean, I've lost enough agents
for one night.
You seem hell-bent
on blaming yourself, Ethan.
Who else is left?
Yeah. I see your point.
Why was there another team?
Of IMF agents at the embassy tonight.
I don't quite follow you.
Well, see if you can follow me
around the room.
The drunk Russians
on the embankment at 7:00 and 8:00...
the couple waltzing around me
at the embassy at 9:00 and 11:00...
the waiter standing behind Hannah
at the top of the stairs.
Bow tie, 12:00.
The other IMF team.
You're worried about me. Why?
Well, for a little over two years...
we've been spotting serious blowback
in IMF operations.
We have a penetration.
The other day, we decoded a message
on the internet...
from a Czech we know as Max.
- The arms dealer.
- That's right.
Max, it seems, has two unique gifts...
a capacity for anonymity
and for corrupting susceptible agents.
This time, he'd gotten to
someone on the inside.
He'd gotten himself
in a position to buy our NOC list.
An operation he referred to as job 314...
the job he thought
Golitsyn was doing tonight.
But the list Golitsyn stole was a decoy.
That's correct.
The actual list is secure at Langley.
Golitsyn was a lightning rod.
He was one of ours.
This whole operation was a mole hunt.
This whole operation was a mole hunt.
The mole's deep inside...
and like you said...
you survived.
I want to show you something, Ethan.
Since your father's death...
your family's farm has been
in receivership...
and now, suddenly, they're flush
with over 120 grand in the bank.
Your father's illness...
was supposed to have wiped out
that bank account.
Dying slowly in America, after all...
can be a very expensive proposition.
why don't we quietly get out of here
and onto a plane?
I can understand you're very upset.
Kittridge, you've
never seen me very upset.
All right, Hunt. Enough is enough.
You have bribed, cajoled, and killed...
Миссия невыполнима Миссия невыполнима

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