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Лунный Папа

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chance of salvation.
Forgive me, doctor.
What an unlucky day.
So many bad things happened.
What are you going to do now?
Are you listening? I'm talking to you.
What will you
tell your father?
And what will the
people in town say?
Why are you shrugging?
Are you paying attention?
Do you understand what this means?
How are you going to walk around
town with such a belly?
Maybe it will be alright.
Papa, there's something I
have to tell you.
But don't explode as usual.
What happened, my dear girl?
Did you break another cup?
First let me tie up your legs.
- Alright.
Don't move.
Is it Nasreddin again?
Now your hands.
I bet it's something interesting.
You lost the lottery ticket?
This time...
I have a little boy or girl sitting
in my tummy.
Who is sitting where?
I am pregnant.
Just don't explode as usual.
Keep calm.
Get out of my way!
Get out of my way!
Where is my daughter?
Mamlakat, come get your brother.
Everything... bad.
- Calm down.
Please forgive me.
It was dark, I fell, I didn't mean to.
Forgive me, my love.
Nasreddin is sick,
Mamlakat is pregnant.
I don't know.
Such trouble.
Why did you leave us so early?
Why can't I join you?
I just want to be with you.
We'll go to every theatre.
You'll recognise the bastard.
He is not a bastard.
All Far-Khor will find out
that the child has no father.
It's terrible.
It's shameful.
Safar Bekhmuradov's daughter
gives birth
to the child of an unknown father!
Such a thing
has never happened in our family.
I ought to shoot myself.
Salaam aleikum, Safar.
Hold on!
He's got nothing to do with it.
He is just a theatre director.
It's not his fault.
I've got nothing to do with it.
- Hold your head straight!
Hold your head straight!
- There were 4 women and 4 men.
I don't need the women.
He loves the theatre.
- To hell with your theatre!
I promise you...
- Give me the list of the actors.
We're going to Samarkand
- to the theatre.
Remember the name Oripov.
Oh! I'm slain.
I am maim'd forever.
Help! Murder! Murder!
When will this end?
Shakespeare is forever.
How much longer?
What do you mean, shhh?
I'm so fed up with this
Is it him or not?
- His face is black.
Wake up that asshole!
Why are you drinking over there?
He's been snoring all bloody day.
Who am I strangling Desdemona for?
War! - War?
Call the manager, the director!
It's the end.
Who are you? What do you want?
Is it him?
- I don't know.
Don't know... Turn around.
Take a good look. Is it him?
No, it's not him.
- No, I'm not him.
You! Follow me!
One, two, three.
Here goes!
Name? - Saidov.
Salaam aleikum.
- Is it him?
It's not him either.
- He's asleep.
This is not the time to sleep!
He doesn't sleep at home,
he sleeps on the road.
Terrible habits.
I just don't understand it.
What are you meddling with?
I want to help.
You've already helped me enough.
Go and fetch some water.
Forget it.
Remember to buy aspirin -
my head is killing me.
Help the poor!
Dear friends!
We pay 5 dollars, real dollars.
Think of those who need your help.
Donate your blood! Come on!
Act now, Kolchosniki!
What do you want?
Can I give extra blood?
I can take it, I'm strong.
Let's go. Alfia,
get things ready.
Do you pay immediately?
- By post. - Forget it.
But for you we might
make an exception.
I need a lot.
Think about it.
Your blood will be circulating
around the globe.
Do you like travelling?
Very much.
I want to go far away.
Just don't get lost.
The police! Let's get out of here.
Selim, get moving!
Why are they chasing us?
They don't like us
because we help people.
They don't let us buy blood.
Selim, drive carefully!
It's a romantic moment.
I thought you really hurt yourself.
It's my father. Stop the bus!
What father? - He's worried.
- How old are you?
Almost eighteen.
Stop the bus!
What? - Eighteen.
- Did you hear that,
Лунный Папа Лунный Папа

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- текст Чёрная роза - эмблема печали, красная роза - эмблема любви на английском
- текст Лень на английском
- текст Идентификация на английском
- текст Раздел территории на английском
- текст Анализ крови на английском

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