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Главная / Клятва


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that Guangming deceived me,
with nothing more than a switch of armor?
And the one
who pretended to be him was his slave?
And I was outwitted by this slave?
So you are the true assassin!
What is that in your hand?
My Lord, please examine this.
The feather is mine!
As a slave, even your life is not your own.
They have stained my fan.
Take him away!
You do understand
why they had to die don't you?
Now that they are gone,
nobody will know who really
killed the Emperor.
Still, you had better deal
with the slave as well...
When he is dead,
the people will condemn Guang Ming
as the assassin.
You were the only one
who could have killed the General,
but you failed me in that mission.
If now you refuse to kill your countryman,
I shall have to take back my cloak,
and you will simply vanish into thin air.
Yes, Master.
I managed to untie myself
but there is no exit.
Will you help me find a way out?
Come back up here,
and I will show you the way.
You said I came from the Land of Snow.
You said you would not kill me.
If I don't kill you, I will be killed!Don't kill me. I'll help you escape
Aren't you worried I'll try to kill you again?
You won't.
You have great trust.
You really are from the Land of Snow.
We found a piece of his cloak.
Where is he?
He has disappeared with the slave.
Why did you kill the Emperor for me?
Why did you jump off the cliff?
Why are you so kind to me?
Because I want you to fall in love with me.
I cannot fall in love with anybody.
But you already have, with me.
Who are you really?
He is my slave.
Master, I am back.
He saved our lives.
He is my slave. That is his duty.
Kiss me.
Are you afraid I would push you away again?
Sleep well.
You...Where do you think you are going?
Where are you going?
I must leave you.
It's my destiny to lose every man I love,
a foolish promise I made as a child.
I cannot change it
unless time flows backwards,
winter falls in the spring,
and the dead come back to life.
Let what passed between us stay in our memory.
Let you, let me savor
the fleeting kiss that we shared.
You deceived me!
Kun Lun!
Kill her!
I cannot change my destiny, Kun Lun.
But you can learn to make up your own mind.
When you know
whether or not you should strike,
come and find me.
Go then!
But I can promise you...
when the last of the cherry blossoms
have all fallen,
that very day before the sun sets,
you will come back to my side.
Kun Lun!
Bring my horse!
Yes, Master!
My horse will speed your return to me!
She won't come back, Master.
You have lost her.
Because of this woman,
you have disobeyed me a second time.
I no longer want you with me!
I have nowhere to go.
Go home, back to wherever you came from.
Kunlun, I will take you home.
The snow will restore your strength
and you will learn to know who you are.
You are not a slave.
You are a man from the noblest land of all.
Where there was only light,
and trust and clarity.
Where we ran like the wind, and flew.
I will show you the land of your ancestors...
...The Land of Snow
I saw my mother with a little girl.
Who was she? Was I dreaming?
Where was that place?
This was your home the Land of Snow.
I had to travel backwards in time,
to show you who you are.
The Land of Snow? Where is it now?
You were only two years old...
...when you were taken away as a slave.
The girl was your sister.
Five years ago it was destroyed
by a cruel and heartless duke.
Who are you?
The one who is cursed to wear the black cloak.
The only man who can run faster than time.
I want to see my mother and sister again.
Learn to run then!
If you run with purpose,
you will be able to see them again.
I know how to run!
That is not running,
that is fleeing.
To achieve real speed...
...you must discover your heart's desire.
What does it mean - desire?
That is something you must find for yourself.
This is as far as I can take
Клятва Клятва

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- текст Звёздный путь 3: В поисках Спока на английском
- текст Алиса на английском
- текст Смертельное влечение на английском
- текст Дядя Бак на английском
- текст Вторжение в США на английском

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