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Главная / Иван-Дурак


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hair so dark?
Because dark clouds gather over
Heavenly Russia.
Then why does she have
this Jewish-looking nose?
So that you, and those
like you, could betray her!
You hear me, Arkady?
I was scared to go after her.
You were right.
My fear was always stronger
than my love.
- He, too, is always stronger.
- Who?
Doctor Strauss.
You drink too much.
Doctor Strauss is dead!
Wrong! He is still here!
He's here!
I mean, he's there!
I don't understand.
I want my friend back,
Dr. Strauss!
You heard that?
Heard that laughter?
Nothing was heard.
I feel an icy chill from
the depths of the grave.
Ivan is dead.
No. He isn't.
They just want to play with us.
I want to play too.
That's it.
He's on his own from here.
Go to the right - you die.
Go to the left - you die.
Go strait ahead - you die.
I understand your doubts.
I feel your weariness.
But it doesn't matter
where we go.
What matters is what leads us.
We're not looking for Her.
We're actually going to Her.
I can feel the Domes of Heavenly
Russia nigh!
It's my tail.
He made an electronic
slave of me!
He'll take Ivan away
and then be back for me!
He'll take my soul, and your's!
And your brother's!
What? I never had a brother!
You had a brother. He was the little
Kolya Pcholkin, and he still is.
I saved him today.
I opened the door.
I showed him the way out and
he fled town.
You must find him, Ilya.
You've forgotten everything.
Your father, the general, was
kneeling in front of the doctor
when the doctor connected
his brain with a dirty plug-in.
My father is a veterinarian.
He's not a veterinarian!
He's a general! A major general!
You are living with
a fake memory!
This is not your life, Ilya!
Say kid, have you seen a holy
preacher with six friars around?
I haven't seen anyone.
I'm lost myself.
And what's your name?
Kolya. Kolya Pcholkin.
- So where are your ma and pa?
- I don't know.
Ah Kolya, no chance for me
to see the Heavenly Palace today.
I don't remember anything.
I don't remember anything.
I don't remember anything.
The town is covered
with darkness!
People have disappeared, and their
loved ones have forgotten them!
Basements full
of dirty plug-ins
providing brain juice for
the Other Side!
And I used to help him!
All for my own clean plug-in!
What a nightmare!
I'm telling the truth.
I didn't kidnap the lad.
I'm with the friars
and the holy father
We were rushing
to rescue the Blessed Virgin!
And I was late!
And ran right into him!
He's telling the truth!
Everybody's asleep.
Open up! Police!
Open up! Police!
This is a scientific experiment.
You! The son of a general!
One day I revolted.
I don't know if you understand
what it is to revolt.
Without hope for victory, allies,
or even the slightest chance.
Not even the possibility to die.
Endless humiliation.
For every single second of eternity.
Never to be rewarded.
It only takes an encounter
with someone like you
with that dumb and merciless
hero's stare
to realize that
I have lost again.
You'll be able to liberate her.
This world belongs to you, Ivan.
Don't take her from me.
She's all that I have
She's always known who I am.
I love her.
I love her as much as I'm able to
and as much as I understand
what it means to love.
Ivan, leave her with me.
Everyone's under arrest!
The fate of Russia
is being determined right now!
Wake up!
It's the Blue gas!
It turns your brain into ashes.
Grey ashes!
Wake up!
I said, follow me.
Wait, lieutenant. Let me see
what happens to my friend.
I've come for you.
Have a seat. My husband
is about to come home.
It's me, Ivan! Wake up!
I see that it's Ivan.
Move, I can't see the screen.
How can you listen to
Иван-Дурак Иван-Дурак

Читайте также:
- текст Мы - не ангелы на английском
- текст Фантастическое Путешествие на английском
- текст Маленькая Вера на английском
- текст Закон Мерфи на английском
- текст Лунный Папа на английском

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