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Главная / Ганг Хо

Ганг Хо

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"we shouldn't form a union, 'cause
that would displease mr Sakamoto."
You said you could control your men.
You put me in very bad situation.
I bailed your ass out
I don't know how many times.
What do you think kept them going
this long? Your charm?
It was me. I backed you,
I handed you 14,000 cars,
and now I' m gonna look like shit.
Give my men a raise!
If I do, mr Sakamoto will have a baby.
Working conditions must stay
as they are. Tell them that.
- Now who's nuts?
- Not us. We know what we're doing.
I see now why
they gave me ribbons of shame.
- I was thinking like an american.
- Don't flatter yourself, ace.
It's true. Everybody here
thinks they are special.
Nobody works for the team. They're too
busy getting personalised licence plates.
You wouldn't last two days
in management training programme.
We wouldn't be stupid enough
to stay two days.
Because you are selfish,
it's what makes you weak.
I' m weak? You don't have the guts
to stand up to your boss.
You're a real millie, you know that?
I am no millie!
Get out of here! You're fired!
- You don't work here any more!
- I' m fired? That's great.
Fine with me. You think you're so hot.
This factory's running like shit.
It's run our way! The way we know how!
This is the way!
Oh, yeah? If you're so great,
how come you lost the big one?
- Come on.
- Whoa, break it up, Hunt.
- He's nuts.
- Take it easy.
- We'll work it out at the meeting.
- I don't need any meeting.
I' m through right now.
- Anybody else need a meeting?
- No!
All right, let's walk.
Welcome to the hadleyville
fourth of july picnic.
Lots of fun for everybody, and don't
forget the big fireworks show tonight.
Gotta give it to you, Hunt. You said
you'd handle 'em in the fourth quarter.
They lied to you, but you didn't let 'em
get away with it. That was great.
Top notch, Hunt.
Good evening.
May I have your attention, please?
Is Hunt Stevenson here?
Hunt Stevenson?
Come on up here, son.
The man who saved hadleyville.
We'll stay out till we get the raise!
Have I got a piece of news for you.
I just got official word
from assan motors.
The factory is closed.
- A lockout?
- No bright boy, not a lockout, a pull-out.
A close-down, an adiуs,
a "sayonara, round-eyes".
They said the workers,
and especially their leadership,
were too difficult to deal with.
So they're closing the factory
and going back to japan.
The man who saved hadleyville.
You're the man who killed hadleyville,
and I' m gonna kill you!
Wait a minute.
Why are you blaming Hunt?
He tried like hell, then they made a deal
and weaselled out.
Let me tell you something.
We are behind you, Hunt. 100%.
If you buy that,
you all stay here and starve with him.
Fuck you!
Your friend Hunt's trying to speak.
Go ahead, Hunt.
First of all, I think
you all should know something.
gee, I don't know, I figure
we made fifteen... you know...
if we made 13,000 cars,
we'd be so close to 15,000, right?
- That if we...
- Hunt.
- What are you trying to tell us?
- Yeah!
- I lied.
- My god.
Yeah, there was no...
there was no deal for 13,000 cars.
We walked out on a lie?
I never in a million years
thought it could lead to this, I swear.
- You should've told us the truth.
- The truth?
You don't want the truth.
You want to hear that americans
are better than anybody else.
They're kicking our butts, that ain't luck.
There's your truth.
Sure, the great old
american do-or-die spirit.
Yeah, it's alive. But they've got it.
I tell you, we'd better get it back.
We'd better get it back damn fast.
Instead, we're strutting around
telling ourselves how great we are.
I guess if I was really a leader,
I would've told you this months ago.
Instead, I was telling you
basketball stories.
I put myself in front of the town
and I' m really sorry.
I swear to you, man, I' m really sorry.
Ito-san's wife is in labour.
He would like to go.
You want to leave?
Ганг Хо Ганг Хо

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