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like "stubbelating".
- Stoobulating.
- "Stoobulating".
The fact that you get upset when
there are things you don't understand...
...just shows you have curiosity.
- Yeah?
- That's a very great attribute.
Watch it!
- I really do like talking to you.
- Thank you.
I bet...
...if we had a good conversation, say...
...once a day, I bet
I could learn a helluva lot.
I'm sure there are certain
aspects of life that I can learn from you.
You bet your ass.
- Doris, let me ask you something.
- How do you like Washington?
- What?
- Washington. Do you like it?
It's an exciting town,
being the seat of our government...
Washington. Doris Washington.
That's very nice.
Doris Washington, tell me something.
I can't help being curious about...
- No, never mind.
- What is it?
Forget it.
It's none of my business anyway.
I'll tell you if it's none of your business.
Ask me. What?
- You've been with many men, I suppose.
- None of your business.
- I understand.
- You understand what?
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.
Who's upset?
Think a dumb thing like that upsets me?
What are you shrieking for?
I don't shriek.
I talk loud, but I don't shriek.
- Okay.
- It's not okay. Oh, Christ.
What do you have to go and ask me
a question like that for?
Let's forget the whole thing.
I was curious, that's all.
That's a pretty peculiar thing
to be curious about, isn't it?
How would you feel
if I asked you a question like that?
I certainly wouldn't get so defensive
about it.
Probably because the answer
wouldn't be very interesting.
You're making this very personal.
I am? Jesus, I'm sorry about that.
I didn't mean to ask you
a personal question.
After all, the question you asked me
wasn't personal.
"Tell me about the 5,000 or 6,000 guys
you slept with"!
- But Doris, in your case...
- In my case? I'm that special case. Right.
I didn't say anything about
5,000 or 6,000 guys.
But that's what you were thinking.
- Where are you going?
- None of your goddamn business.
- Is the truth that disturbing?
- Lf you're so concerned about truth...
...why don't you ask me
what you wanted to ask me?
- What is that, pray tell?
- I'll pray tell you what that is.
What you wanted to know
is how you stood up to the competition.
How you rated.
You wanted to know
if you passed the course. Right?
If you say so,
I didn't realize you were giving lessons.
- Ordinarily, I don't handle beginners.
- No, I imagine a pro like you wouldn't.
I know what your next question
would have been, too.
'Cause it's the same dumb question
that every trick asks.
Your next question would've been:
"Did you really like that?
"Did you actually get a thrill, and all that,
after the times you've done it?
"A piece of wood like you
really couldn't enjoy...
"...doing it with a honest, clean-living,
upright, hotshot citizen like me."
Why don't I know better?
How come I never learn.
I'm not going to be treated like a thing.
I am a real person.
I am a person named Doris Wilgus.
You can take your beady eyes
off me while I tell you something.
Last night I thought
something real nice was happening.
I mean, you really seemed to be
a nice guy and all.
I'll tell you, I fall in love all the time.
All the time, you hear?
So, it's no big deal.
But you were very nice there for a while.
You said some real swell things.
I guess it goes to prove
that you're a better actor than I am.
I mean actress.
You know more about that than I would...
...since most of your acting
has been done in bed.
After all, someone's gotta look like
they know what they're doin'.
Sorry I didn't measure up
to your high standards.
- Do I get graded on a scale of ten?
- Sure, if you accept fractions.
You know what you need?
You need the services
of a competent psychiatrist...
...who might, if he has unlimited time...
...be able to assemble the pieces
of your jumbled mind.
A technical
Филин и кошечка Филин и кошечка

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