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Дама с собачкой

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and they'II show you.
They have a house of their own.
Take a note to them.
Diederitz... Of course!
Thank you. You may go.
HaII porter!
HaII porter!
HaII porter!
Good evening.
How you frightened me!
I'm scarceIy aIive.
- Why did you come?
- Try to understand, Anna, I beg you...
I've suffered so much! I've been
thinking of you aII the time.
The thought of you kept me aIive...
Yet I tried so hard to forget you.
Why, oh why did you come?
What are you doing?
We've both gone mad.
You must go back tonight. Go now.
I impIore you by aII that's sacred!
Somebody's coming!
You must go back.
Do you hear, Dmitry Dmitriyevich?
I'II come to you in Moscow.
I've never been happy,
I'm unhappy now.
And I shaII never be happy,
So pIease don't make me
suffer stiII more!
I swear I'II come to you in Moscow.
But now we must part.
Oh, my sweet, my darIing...
We must part!
''...I'm coming to Moscow
for a few days in March.
I'II be staying in the SIav Bazaar,
in the same room.
As soon as I arrive, I'II send you
a note. Yours A.''
To Gurov?
I've deIivered it, as you said.
OnIy he was not in.
I had to hand it to his wife,
it seemed to be a business Ietter.
Gurov! Gurov!
Have you forgiven me?
You have a kind heart.
And I am a bad man, a swine.
It's aII for my money.
The siIver samovar, too.
It's aII for the sake of the company.
You must understand.
For its reputation.
Reputation... It's important!
Where're you going? I won't Iet
you go.
It's too fast again.
It does it out of maIice.
It's three degrees above zero.
And yet it's snowing.
It's onIy warm on the earth's surface.
In the upper Iayers of the atmosphere
the temperature's quite different.
Why isn't there any thunder in winter?
Thunder is caused by a thunderstorm.
And in the middIe part of Russia
thunderstorms occur onIy in summer.
There we are.
WeII... how are you?
What's new?
Wait, I'II teII you everything...
No, I can't...
Bring us some tea, pIease.
Yes, sir.
Have some, you Iike the appIe ones.
You've got thinner.
Were you iII?
No, I'm aII right.
How are you getting on?
Nothing speciaI.
During the day I work,
the evenings I spend at the cIub.
Night and day, and they're out
of the way...
And I again toId my husband
that I was going to Moscow
to consuIt a doctor on...
women's diseases.
Before he beIieved and did not
beIieve me, but now...
I don't know now.
What am I going to teII him next time?
I Iike this gray dress of yours most.
AIways wear it, even in 10 years,
when it is out of fashion.
In ten years?
In 10, in 20 years, every time
you'II be coming here.
Why did it happen that I've met
you now and not when I was young?
Why do I have a wife, and you
a husband?
AII these years
I had met women, parted from them...
But not once had I been in Iove.
There had been everything between
them and me, but no Iove.
And onIy now, when my hair
has turned gray...
It has aIways seemed to me that
we didn'tjust met in YaIta by chance.
It is just...
That we've found each other
after a Iong parting.
It is fast, it's earIy yet.
- It does it out of maIice.
- Out of maIice...
You know...
We're Iike two migrating
birds, maIe and femaIe,
who had been caught and forced
to Iive in separate cages.
And they're going to die... of grief.
That'II do...
Don't cry, my sweet.
You've had your cry, that's enough.
Let's taIk now,
Iet's think of something.
We'II think of something.
What are we to do?
What are we to do?
What are we to do to get rid of
the necessity of pretending,
teIIing Iies, hiding,
Iiving in different cities,
not seeing one another for so Iong?
How are we to free ourseIves
from our intoIerabIe chains?
Sometimes it seems to me that...
In onIy a few more minutes
a soIution wiII be found
and a new, beautifuI
Iife wiII begin.
I know, but the most compIicated and
difficuIt part is onIy just beginning.
We'II think of
Дама с собачкой Дама с собачкой

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- текст Звёздный путь: Оригинальный сериал на английском
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- текст Милашка в розовом на английском

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