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Главная / Дама с собачкой

Дама с собачкой

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some tea, please.
Yes, sir.
Have some, you like the apple ones.
You've got thinner.
Were you ill?
No, I'm all right.
How are you getting on?
Nothing special.
During the day I work,
the evenings I spend at the club.
Night and day, and they're out
of the way...
And I again told my husband
that I was going to Moscow
to consult a doctor on...
women's diseases.
Before he believed and did not
believe me, but now...
I don't know now.
What am I going to tell him next time?
I like this gray dress of yours most.
Always wear it, even in 10 years,
when it is out of fashion.
In ten years?
In 10, in 20 years, every time
you'll be coming here.
Why did it happen that I've met
you now and not when I was young?
Why do I have a wife, and you
a husband?
All these years
I had met women, parted from them...
But not once had I been in love.
There had been everything between
them and me, but no love.
And only now, when my hair
has turned gray...
It has always seemed to me that
we didn'tjust met in Yalta by chance.
It is just...
That we've found each other
after a long parting.
It is fast, it's early yet.
- It does it out of malice.
- Out of malice...
You know...
We're like two migrating
birds, male and female,
who had been caught and forced
to live in separate cages.
And they're going to die... of grief.
That'll do...
Don't cry, my sweet.
You've had your cry, that's enough.
Let's talk now,
let's think of something.
We'll think of something.
What are we to do?
What are we to do?
What are we to do to get rid of
the necessity of pretending,
telling lies, hiding,
living in different cities,
not seeing one another for so long?
How are we to free ourselves
from our intolerable chains?
Sometimes it seems to me that...
In only a few more minutes
a solution will be found
and a new, beautiful
life will begin.
I know, but the most complicated and
difficult part is only just beginning.
We'll think of something.
We will.
To commemorate the centenary of
Based on A.P. Chekhov's story
Anna Sergeyevna - I. SAVVINA
Gurov - A. BATALOV
Written and Directed by
Production Designers
Music by Nadezhda SIMONYAN
Ah, Gurov! WeII?
- What do you mean?
- Nothing in particuIar.
I've had a good sIeep for no reason.
Dmitry Dmitriyevich, have you paid
attention to one fact?
A Iady waIked by a whiIe ago -
you feeI Iike Iicking your Iips
when you see her!
She takes waIks with a IittIe white
Perhaps I shouId strike
an acquaintance with her...
Nikodim AIexandrovich can't do it,
he's with his wife here.
Came to TuIa with his own samovar.
GentIemen, why not?
Nothing speciaI. Massandras.
ScoIopendras. It's maddening!
That's her!
No! No!
He doesn't bite.
He doesn't?
May I give him a bone?
PIease, do.
Have you been Iong in YaIta?
About... five days.
And I'm just finishing
my second week here.
Time fIies.
And yet it's so boring here.
That's what one usuaIIy hears
peopIe saying here.
A man may be Iiving in BeIev or
Zhizdra and he isn't bored,
but as he comes here, aII you hear is
''Oh, it's boring! Oh, it's dust!''
You'd think
he'd come from Granada.
Look at the strange Iight
that faIIs on the sea.
The water is of such a warm IiIac.
That's because the day was so hot.
And in Moscow probabIy it's snowing
aIready, everyone wears a fur coat.
The horses are steaming in the coId.
Do you Iike hearing the Moscow church
beIIs ringing at Shrovetide?
I don't know.
I come rareIy to Moscow.
I was born in Petersburg,
but had got married in Saratov.
Where I Iive now...
Have Iived... for the past two years.
How Iong are you going
to stay in YaIta?
For another month.
My husband mightjoin me.
He aIso needs a rest.
Is your husband serving?
In the ruraI government.
In the guberniya government.
Дама с собачкой Дама с собачкой

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- текст Тариф Новогодний на английском
- текст Дети Дюны на английском
- текст Руслан и Людмила на английском
- текст Я люблю тебя на английском
- текст Доброе утро на английском

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